By Bob Smith.
We’re haein a referendum Ti decide the fate o UTG We’re haein a referendum Aboot fit oor cooncil shud dee . Sir Ian an his ACSEF freens O coorse they hiv nae doot Jist send in aa the diggers Haul the trees oot bi the root . We maun embrace the 21st century Fitivver we tak iss ti mean Seems we shud destroy oor heritage In the cinter o Aiberdeen . Twa designs they hiv pit forrit As thingies we shud like Ma answer tae thae numpties Is awa an on yer bike . Winter Gairden his a “giant worm” Faar fowk cwid sit at tables Mair like some bliddy monster Ye micht fin in a book o fables |
Look closely aat the Granite Web Wi its waakwyes o concrete Fer a skateboarder’s paradise Ye’ll fin iss hard ti beat . The council billies wull decide Fit een they like the best Then the resolve o the citizens Wull be pit tae the test . Fer mair than a hunner ear A green oasis his been in the city Aa threatened bi an idea Mair suited ti a Walter Mitty . Gweed citizens o Aiberdeen It’s time ti mak yer mark An show the City Gairdens Trust Yer bite’s worse than yer bark. . . . . ©Bob Smith “The Poetry Mannie” 2012 |