By Bob Smith.
Christmas Eve in the 1940s A myn o’t as tho’ twis last nicht The livin room fire wis aye bleezin An aathing wis bonnie an bricht Paper chines hung fae the ceilin A Christmas tree wi didna hae A’d scriven ma letter ti Suntie On Christmas Eve on the wireless Ma lang sock a wid lave hingin up Awa ti yer bed ma mither wid say
Fae ma bedroom winda a peered oot Ti see Suntie’s reindeer in the sky Bit nae maitter foo lang a lookit They nivver wid cum wanner’n by On Christmas morn a hash’t ben Ti see if ma letter hid bin heeded A aye wis maist affa feart ye see Maybe Suntie he cwidna read it Afore ma verra een there wis Stappit in the lang sock ye’d fin Christmas it wis a time fer bairns Noo fowk awa back in the forties . |