Feb 252013

As part of Israeli Apartheid Week SPSC Aberdeen presents a screening of the award-winning documentary Roadmap to Apartheid.  The film presents a detailed look at Palestine/Israel and how the concept of apartheid can be used to understand the historical and ongoing situation.

About Israeli Apartheid Week

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe.

The aim of IAW is to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS movement.

Lectures, films, and actions will highlight some of the successes of the BDS movement and build / support ongoing campaigns.

Speakers and full programme for each city will be available on this website. Join us in making this a year of struggle against apartheid and for justice, equality, and peace.

“In this award-winning documentary, the first-time directors take a detailed look at the apartheid analogy commonly used to describe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Narrated by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple), Roadmap to Apartheid is as much a historical document of the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa as it is a film about why many Palestinians feel they are living in an apartheid system today, and why an increasing number of people around the world agree with them” (official website).

More on Israeli Apartheid Week here: http://apartheidweek.org

We hope to see you there for what should be a very interesting watch and discussion.

Where: Room NK11, New Kings College, University of Aberdeen
When: 7pm, Friday March 1st
Light refreshments provided

Feb 142013

With thanks to Alison Cram.

Next week you have the chance to catch a screening of two powerful, and ultimately life-affirming, films that capture the strength and dignity of the individual human spirit.

The film screenings have been organised by the Aberdeen Group of Amnesty International, in collaboration with the Belmont Cinema.

On Monday 18th February (at 6.00pm) you can see the documentary film Waste Land.

Filmed over nearly three years, Waste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz from Brooklyn to his native Brazil to work with the “catadores” – people who pick recyclable materials from the world’s largest rubbish dump, Jardim Gramacho, just outside Rio de Janeiro.

Muniz’s collaborative project with the catadores, as they create photographic images of themselves out of garbage, reveals both the spirit and dignity of the people and the power of art to express their plight.

Waste Land was the winner of the Amnesty International Human Rights Film Award 2010 and of the Audience Award for Best World Cinema Documentary Sundance Film Festival 2010.

On Thursday 21st February (also at 6.00pm) is another chance to see Persepolis – a beautiful animated film version of Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel about growing up in Iran, as the country moves from the Shah’s regime to fundamentalist Islamic state.

Events are seen through the eyes of Marjane herself, a rebellious teenager, who chafes against her lack of freedom and expression.

When I tell people it’s a lo-fi animation, largely in black-and-white, about Iran, they put their heads in their hands and make a low groaning sound. But I’ve seen those same people bounce happily out of the cinema after seeing it as if they had had some sort of caffeine injection.” – Peter Bradshaw, Film Critic, The Guardian, April 2008

The Group will also have a small stall in the cinema lobby prior to each film, so if you want to ask any questions about what we do or find out more about Amnesty International, now’s your chance!

So in the chilly days of February, why not treat yourself to a thought-provoking and inspiring trip to the cinema?

Tickets for films can be booked in advance through the Aberdeen Amnesty Group.  To book a ticket for Waste Land, please e-mail: alisoncram@madasafish.com.  To book a ticket for Persepolis, please e-mail doughaywood@yahoo.co.uk.

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Feb 022013

By Bob Smith.

A’ve ayewis spak the Doric
Sin a wis jist a loon
A dialect still weel loo’d
Fae the Spey tae Bervie toon

Fin a wis at the local skweel
In classrooms it wis banned
Ye were threatened wi the scud
Fit wid hae wairmed yer hand

Bit eence oot in the playgrun
It flowed oot o yer moo
An wi yer freens an neipers
Doric wisna thocht taboo

We canna lit iss language dee
It’s pairt an paircel o oor lan
The Doric an the North east
They aye gyang han in han

A’m  loathe tak in fit a’m hearin
Young fowk canna say “ch” as in loch
Fit’s the warld cumin tae
If ye canna git yer tongue aroon roch?

Doric wirds are mair expressive
Than onything else ye micht hear
Thunk hivvens fowk still spik it
In  kwintra placies like New Deer

The  braw wird  “dreich” a like
Instead o jist sayin “dull”
Or maybe gyaan “heelster-gowdie”
As ye tummle doon a hull

Robbie Shepherd he still spiks it
An a Doric sang he’ll sing
Sin the days o “The Garlogie Fower”
Iss chiel’s bin the Doric “king”

Lits aa fecht fer the Doric
Hae it taacht in aa the skweels
Instead o aa the lah-de-dahs
Thinkin the Doric is fer feels

© Bob Smith “The Poetry Mannie” 2013

Sep 172012

With thanks to  Emily Wyndham Gray.

Beginning on the 16th of September, Scottish Sculpture Workshop will be opening its doors to the public for NEOS 2012. This year, SSW will be hosting an open studio exhibition, showcasing the work of artists in residence and programme participants, as well as a variety of events and activities.

Cheesecake Making and Afternoon Tea, and will continue throughout NEOS with Still Life Drawing classes, woodcarving demonstrations, artist talks, a participatory paper-kiln workshop and will close with a performance by local group Dudendance on Sunday 23rd.

The Open Studio Exhibition, Sunday 16th September to 22nd September will feature work from artists who have been in residence, and from projects led by SSW over the summer. The exhibition will bridge areas of sculpture, ceramics, illustration, installation, photography and text-based work. Alongside the exhibition will be resident artists working in their studios, giving visitors an insight into the day-to-day of Scottish Sculpture Workshop.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to engage with the ongoing Sculpture in the Landscape Symposium; information revolving around the renovation of the Lumsden Sculpture Walk will be made widely available and any input on the development is welcome.

The results from SSW’s Makers’ Meal, which has been running since the beginning of July, will also be on display. Makers’ Meal is a project between local artists and artisans which has seen the setting for a meal crafted from the ground up, combining areas of woodwork, ceramics, and forging, with heavy emphasis on collaboration.

The work will be on show in the SSW studio over NEOS for anyone who would like to view the final collection before being exhibited on tour around the North East.

Contemporary dance collective Dudendance will be performing at SSW on Sunday the 23rd of September, 6.30pm, to conclude the Open Studios event. The group will be creating a site-specific performance piece, as a durational work in the open studio space.

Date(s) and Times:

Open Studio Exhibition
10am to 5pm, 16 – 22 September

Paper-Kiln Workshop and Woodcarving demonstration
10am to 5pm, Saturday 22 September

6.30pm, Sunday 23 September

Location: SSW, 1 Main Street, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4JN.
Cost: Entrance Free
Afternoon Tea, £2.50/person

For more information or to book a place on any of the workshops and classes listed above, visit our website www.ssw.org.uk, call 01464 861372 or email office@ssw.org.uk.

Image Credits: All pics ©SSW 

Sep 132012

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug” Mark Twain.

Aberdeen Voice carried a feature last year about Katie Scott’s quest to have a commemorative plaque erected in Inverurie for her grandfather, the Doric writer and performer Dufton Scott. Here’s Katie’s update.

My task was to have a plaque designed and made. The chosen plaque makers, Leander Architectural, were very supportive and helpful, offering me several designs from which to choose.

I was clear about the wording; it needed to include, Dufton Scott – the refined and original Scottish humourist.

But this sparked some debate in the family. Do we say Scots or Scottish or, dare I say it, Scotch? This led to some interesting research.

I found no end of debates around these words which brought in other items of interest including,

Scot free  – very interesting!

Scotch whisky

Scotch myths and Scotch mist, Scotch broth, Scotch tape, more commonly Sellotape.

Then we have English, Scottish, Irish, British, but American, Australian, Norwegian, Saudi Arabian, Brazilian.

This was a most enjoyable and interesting detour, as I love words and looking at their origins and derivatives and so on, but the choice seemed to be made for me. Dufton had described himself as Scottish humorist on an advertising flyer which I have. Note the spelling of his occupation , which led to another battle of words. A potentially expensive one for me, as I will shortly explain.

Once I had agreed the design, size and colour of the plaque, I double-checked the wording on it.

I was very happy.

It looked like this.

I paid for the production and delivery to Kellas, Solicitors. My next task was to arrange some kind of unveiling which proved to be much more difficult than I had ever imagined.

The Doric Festival is an important annual cultural festival.  The unveiling of the plaque to Dufton Scott would be an appropriate festival event, so I contacted Sandy Stronach, Festival Director, who was keen to support and help me. He wrote this on last year’s Doric Festival website,

“Unveiling a Plaque at Inverurie

Robert Dufton Scott

A communiction from Katie es verra day means that it hisna bin possible tae get aathin thegidder for pittin up a plaque es eer!

But we’ll leave es message here as we’ll maist certainly pit on an event neist year!

So look oot for “Dufton Scott” in 2012!

Dufton Scott was a noted writer of Doric plays and performer, including Gavin Greig’s “Mains Wooin”.

Born in Forgue in 1880, he eventually ran a shop in Inverurie, dying in 1944.

Not before time his grand-daughter, Katie Scott, is organising to unveil a plaque to her grand-father at the site of the shop, now Stronachs,(sic) the Solicitor at High Street, Inverurie.

At this stage we do not have a date or time for the unveiling, but we have told Katie that we will be present and will help out with readings.

If like the Festival Director you remember Dufton Scott in his shop or if you remember performances of his works then this is an event you should not miss!

Keep an ee oot on es page fer the hinmast times fin they come tae han!”

Also supportive was Charles Barron, so it was with immense sadness that I learned that this great Doric playwright, academic, actor and teacher had died earlier this year.

I am also sad that I have been unable to stay in touch with Sandy, so I do not have any information about this year’s Doric Festival. If anyone has this, I would love to know, do please contact me.

Another who has been of great help is Lorna Alexander, who told me that she is to perform some of Dufton Scott’s work, as well has her own, in Inverurie on October 2 as part of the Luminate Festival. Since I have come to a complete dead end in finding out anything about this year’s Doric Festival, Lorna kindly invited me to attend her readings at the Acorn Centre. It will be wonderful to hear Dufton’s work performed, and exciting to see the plaque which will be erected by then, with one major correction.

As I was going through my box of things pertaining to Dufton, I looked again at the flyer which had sparked my word hunt about Scots or Scottish.

As I said, I have always loved words and dictionaries and am always keen to learn more.

So I experienced a strange feeling as I looked again at the yellowing flyer, at my grandad’s handsome face, and at the strange way he had chosen to spell humorist.

Why would he, a wordsmith, spell it incorrectly?

My expression changed from puzzlement to horror. Oh no! Did I ever even check the spelling of the word?

I dashed for my Collins English Dictionary, a huge tome, much-thumbed, heavy and lovely. I tore through the pages to find the blasted word.

Good grief.

The correct spelling, of course, because Dufton would not have got it wrong, is humorist, although this really does look wrong doesn’t it?

I scrambled to the phone, but it was a bank holiday and there was no answer from Leander Architectural. I got up first thing the next day, phoned, to be told that unfortunately the plaque was already made, and ready to ship that day. Thankfully, they agreed to stop the order but unfortunately the whole plaque had to be recast. As I said, a most expensive mistake, but I am sure the people of Inverurie will be happier to know that one of the town’s most famous residents is commemorated appropriately.

A group of the Scott family is descending on Inverurie for the first week in October. We shall take pleasure and pride in viewing the plaque on the wall of Kellas, Solicitors. We are looking forward to meeting Lorna and hearing her performance of two of Dufton Scott’s pieces. If you have any memories of Dufton Scott, do please get in touch. We could share a wee dram!

It would be wonderful if we could also find the other grandchildren of Dufton Scott. Our father was Gavin Scott, but he had a brother, Robert, who had two girls, Frances and Margaret. What a joy it would be if we could trace them too.

  • Contact info and links:

e-mail –  Katie.scott@gmx.com





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Aug 312012

With thanks to Dave Macdermid.

North East District tennis coach Vikki Paterson is seen here being presented with the sportscotland Aberdeen City Council Development Coach of the Year award by Tennis Scotland’s Andrew Raitt.
In addition to being NESLTA coach, Vikki, who lives in Kintore, is the club coach for Banchory and Westhill and is also the voluntary organiser for the nine North County age group teams.

Sport Aberdeen’s John Purcell, who nominated Vikki for the award, said.

“NESLTA has recently agreed a demanding development plan with Tennis Scotland, with the emphasis very much on increasing participation and Vikki’s input to this will be crucial to its success.

“Her current work with the Active Schools team in Aberdeen and her organisation of the inaugural Glacier Energy Under 12 Grand Prix series at Westburn are excellent illustrations of the innovative work she is undertaking.”




Jul 052012

With thanks to Dave Macdermid. 

This weekend sees the start of the 28th City of Aberdeen North East Tennis Tournament, with a range of events taking place. They cater for all ages, ranging from 9 and under to the over 60s.

The games are being played on the outdoor courts at Aberdeen’s Westburn Park.

Top seed in the Men’s singles is Rubislaw’s Robert Ainsley, who will face either Charlie Barclay (Westhill) or Jamie Ross (Banchory) in his opening match, while Cults player Ewan Birnie, seeded number two, will meet James Kirk (Turriff) or Kristoffer Lynch (DL Aberdeen).

There’s a healthy entry in the Boys 14 and unders where Jason Alexander (Cults) is seeded to play Douglas Tait (Elgin) in the final.

The event, supported by Sport Aberdeen, gets underway on Sunday.

  • For information contact Dave Macdermid on 07710 580148.
Jun 282012

With thanks to Dave Macdermid.

The deadline for entries for next month’s 28th City of Aberdeen North East Tennis Championships has been extended until this Friday (29th June) with entry levels already up on last year at 168.

In addition to the open competition, age group events range from Under 9 to Over 60 with juniors and veterans only required for part of the week depending on the age group.

Both of last year’s men’s and women’s singles champions, Matthew Colvin (Stonehaven) and Morven Duff (Cults) return to defend their titles.

Current junior title holders Lucy Whelan (Cults), Adam Irvine (Cults) and Callum Michie (Rubislaw) will also return to the 2012 tournament.

Entry forms for the event, which is supported by Sport Aberdeen, will be available at Westburn Tennis Centre, http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/SportAberdeen/events/tennis_tournament/tennis_tournament.asp or online at  www.lta.org.uk using tournament code SCO412

For more  information please contact Dave Macdermid – 07710 580148

Apr 062012

At the next meeting of Aberdeen CND on Monday 10th April, Jonathan Russell, Chair of Aberdeen CND and also a member of Campaign Against the Arms Trade, will be leading a discussion on the Arms Trade. The meeting will take place at 7.30pm on the Top Floor of the Belmont Cinema, Belmont Street, Aberdeen.

The arms trade is a deadly, corrupt business. It supports conflicts and human rights abusing regimes while squandering valuable resources which could be used to deal with the many social and environmental challenges we face here on Planet Earth. It does this with the full support of governments around the world, in particular the five permanent members of the United Nations  Security Council: the United States, Russia, France, China and the United Kingdom.

These are the very countries which are meant to be our global custodians, but are in fact the very countries which are feeding global insecurity and conflict.

While very few countries sell large volumes of weaponry, the buyers are spread across the world. Other than to the five permanent UN Security Council members, the largest buyers are in the Middle East and South East Asia. The arms themselves range from fighter aircraft, helicopters and warships with guided missiles, radar and electronic warfare systems, tanks, armoured vehicles, machine guns and rifles.

The common misconception is that it is the illegal trade that is damaging, while the legal trade is tightly controlled and acceptable. However, the vast majority of arms sold around the world including those to human rights abusing governments or into areas of conflict are legal and are supported by governments. In 2007 the value of legal arms around the world amounted to 60 billion dollars. The illegal market is estimated at 5 billion dollars:  many illegal weapons end up as legal weapons.

The arms trade exists to provide weapons to those who can pay for them. What the buyers do with the arms, what political approval the sales signify, and how money could be better spent appears irrelevant to the arms companies and our governments. The UK Government’s 2010 Human Rights Annual Report identified 26 countries of concern. In that year the UK approved arms licences to 16 of these.

There’s a sense that in the past we were embarrassed about supporting defence exports. There’s no such embarrassment in this Government.

David Cameron was in the Middle East on a high-profile mission to sell arms when the democracy movement started in the Middle East. Selling arms to a country in conflict whether internal or external makes the conflict more deadly and longer lasting.
If there is tension between countries or within a country, then arms purchases are likely to increase this tension and make actual conflict more likely.

Even when conflict has ended, arms, particularly small arms, may remain in large numbers (as in Libya at present), fuelling further conflicts and/or criminal activity.

Every year the UK Government authorises the sale of arms to well over 100 countries. This is hardly surprising given that it is Government policy to vigorously support arms exports. Peter Luff, Minister of Defence Exports in the present UK Government, has stated that:

“There’s a sense that in the past we were embarrassed about supporting defence exports. There’s no such embarrassment in this Government.”

Arms companies and Government are inseparable when it comes to selling arms. The Government’s UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) department is a vital element of UK’s arms dealing. In 2008 the Government opened the Defence and Security Organisation which promotes weaponry on behalf of arms companies. There are 158 civil servants in the Defence and Security Organisation while other non-arms sectors have137 staff. This is despite arms accounting for less than 1.5 Percent of UK exports.

• Arms export jobs as a percentage of total employment:  0.2%
• Arms as a percentage of exports:  1.5 %
• UK Government Research Expenditure Spent on Arms:  27%
• UK trade and investment staff committed to selling arms:  54%

Research carried out for Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) by the Stockholm International Peace Institute assesses the level of subsidy by Government to the arms trade in the UK to be around £700 million a year.  In 2010 the UK Government issued 10,850 arms export licences, refused 230, and revoked 14.

Half of the refusals related to proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, with a maximum of 76 being revoked on the grounds that they contributed to internal repression, internal conflict or regional instability. Foreign office embassies also promote the arms sales, as do the Ministry of Defence armed services. Arms fairs are common in the UK and around the world.  The governments of host countries provides support for their arms firms.

Arms sales from the UK seem to vary from year to year:

• 2007    9651 million   (particularly high because of sales of Typhoon aircraft to Saudi Arabia)
• 2008    4367 million
• 2009    7261 million also high as included Typhoon support services to Saudi Arabia)
• 2010    5819 million

Of the 16 countries identified by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute as locations of major conflict in 2009, the UK sold arms to 12.

Columnist Will Self –  “War, the arms trade and the abuse of language”

BAE arms are the UK’s main arms company and has military customers in over 100 countries. BAE’s focus over the past few years has been on increasing sales to the US, specifically targeting equipment for conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and supplying Euro fighters and other arms to Saudi Arabia. BAE routinely supplies countries which the UK Foreign Office considers as having ‘the most serious wide-ranging human rights concerns’.

The casualties of conflict are now overwhelmingly civilian, increasing from 50% of war related deaths in the first half of the twentieth century to 90% near the end of the century.

The arms trade affects development both through the money wasted on arms purchased and through the conflicts fuelled by arms.

A study in 2007 by Oxfam of the economic cost of armed conflict to Africa estimated that Africa  loses around 18 billion dollars a year due to wars and that armed conflict shrinks an African nations economy by 15%.

As well as the direct effects of military spending, medical costs and the destruction of infrastructure, there are indirect costs on the  economy and employment suffers ( this does not take into account the countless human misery caused by loss of life and sustained injuries effecting families and friends as well as the individuals concerned).

The study estimated that the cost  of conflicts in Africa since 1990 was equivalent to the aid provided to them by major donors.

Even when conflict is not taking place money diverted to arms is a drain on government resources and takes away from vital spending on health education and infrastructure. The massive 1998 South African arms deals for aircraft, helicopters, warships and submarines cost the country over £8billion. Yet most of the population live in shanty towns and other poor housing and South Africans with HIV/AIDS were told that the country could not afford ant-retroviral medication.

Despite desperate poverty and its recent appalling history of armed struggle, the UK government is actively promoting arms struggle to Angola. The UK government not only approved arms exports to Angola it actively organised an “industry day’’ when HMS Liverpool docked in Angola waters and hosted Angolan political and military officials.

The arms trade causes countless misery in our world; it is a poor use of limited resources which should be used to make this world a better place. We need to question the thinking in the world that believes you only get what you want by force. The five members of the Security Council should start taking on their responsibilities and use conflict resolution rather than warfare to sort the many conflicts that take place both between and within countries.

Mar 222012

With thanks to Dave Macdermid

With the start of the traditional outdoor tennis season just a few weeks away, entry forms for two of the North East’s long standing tournaments are now available.

The 63rd NESLTA Schools Tournament, which is supported by sportaberdeen, will take place at the Ruthrieston Outdoor Centre and Westburn Tennis Centre between the 21st and 26th May, with competition from age 8 and under through to age 18 and under.

The closing date for entries is Friday 4th May, with entry forms available at: www.granitecitytennis.btik.com

June sees the staging of the Rubislaw NESLTA Confined Tournament between Sunday 10th and Saturday 16th, with four events, namely Men’s and Women’s singles, and boys and girls singles at 16 and under.

The closing date for entries is Sunday 3rd June, with entry forms available at tennis ‘places to play’ throughout the area including Rubislaw LTC.