Aug 272010

Old Susannah would like to thank everyone who’s written in to support building Mr Milne a nice new football, sorry – community – stadium on top of Loirston Loch, which will be very pretty and glow in the dark. But no-one has. If you are for any reason not in favour of a football stadium by our only loch, on our only greenbelt land in the south of the city, you have until 31 August to object to the Planning people (Application No. 101299).

Scottish Enterprise
Scotland does not have much of a history for innovation or business acumen but for a few quirky exceptions like penicillin, anaesthetics, refrigeration, television, marmalade, jute manufacture, steam engines, cloning and whisky. Those few innovations which do come from Scotland clearly need expert help, or they would not get anywhere or make any money. Luckily there is help at hand – enter Scottish Enterprise.

SE offers a range of groundbreaking courses on how to run a business – information which could not be found anywhere else in the world, except perhaps for the free information available from libraries, the internet, local chambers of commerce or other government agencies. Its current chairman points out, for instance, that without SE telling companies that opportunities exist in energy and wind farms, no-one would otherwise know. Of course, one or two of SE’s business clients go out of business, but what can one do? The people of Scotland are privileged, therefore, to have this unelected QUANGO present in all Scottish regions, at a mere cost of around £277 million per year, with about one-third of this going on its staff. Clearly, SE does know how to generate money – for itself anyway. The effect SE has had on the economy is obvious for all to see. Where would Scotland be without it?

Finally, SE recently participated in an ‘independent review’ which recommended cutting public sector jobs. If anyone can suggest where to make these cuts, do let SE know.

In these times of financial and environmental worry, it is important to maintain a sense of humour. A joke is a short, pithy, witty story or deed guaranteed to provoke laughter and good feeling. For instance, a very funny woman in Coventry now says that when she petted a cat and forcefully threw it into a dark wheelie bin where it remained crying for fifteen hours until, fortunately, it was discovered, she was making a joke! We wonder if she is still laughing now.

Another example of joking can be found closer to home for Aberdonians. To distract locals from worries over crime, economic pressure and the like, our local officials keep us laughing with plans to build football – sorry, ‘community’ – stadia in beautiful, important greenbelt areas whilst closing schools and services. Apparently, as well as the 22,000 fans packed in to watch the Dons, there will be concerts. I guess AECC just makes so much money that we need another place for concerts too. You have to laugh really.

Common Good Fund
In around 1319, Robert the Bruce established this Fund to provide for the needs of Aberdeen’s citizens. In the past it has been used to help build Marischal College and establish the local library and Hazlehead Park amongst other good causes. It has also given funds for the improvement of something called Union Terrace and its gardens. In 2005, the value of the Fund was reported to be £31 million. Aberdeen City Council will be only too happy to let you know the Fund’s current value and give details of recent grants awarded. Just ask.

Aug 272010

Introducing the poetic witterings of Wullie McGeezagoal: Poet Laureate of the dung mound!

Pittodrie, spiritual hame o’ the Dons
nae near as guid as it wis once,
So they’re flittin, tae anither place,
the plans are in, an’ for the maist,

They’re lookin grand, but fits the haste?
Nae use in gaun in ower too fest.
Fan the fowk o Nigg are nae ower enamour’t
An the team are seek o’ gettin hammer’t

An the cooncil noo are takkin a beatin,
In Union Terrace, Torry an Seaton,
Ah wid think the last thing they’d be needin
Is the thocht o’ ‘Niggers’ pittin the beet in.

Ther’s fowk fa think it would be best
The build the new perk oot tae the west
Far the much anticipated WPR
Would be better tae get tae in a car

An athoot a great big loch aroon,
Nae muckle chunce onybody would droon
Ye see, park and watter dinna mix
Fan ye want tae see some funcy tricks

Jist look at Motherwells Fir Park
Last restin place o’ Noahs Ark
Cos drainage can be a michty pain
fan yev twinty thoosan on the wye tae a game

Ah surmise a puckly folk micht complain
If they’re forced tae turn their bus back hame
Due tae unprecedented precipitation
The loch grows, an swicks in tae the stadium.

The ducks micht find it weel an dry
whilst the ‘todrie gulls skrakk “far’s ma Setterday pie?”
And the geese come flyin in for a gander
An’ ane say’s ‘My shotty, Ah’ll be Zander?’

Locals canna ging for the Cove game neither
If their perk is ower close a neebour
an the loch taks on the rain an swells
theres naeb’dy tae blame but yer ain feel sel’s

Pittodrie wis made oot o’ a mound o’ shite
but oot o’ that cam mony a night
tae look back on time an’ time again
an’ smile an think ‘noo that wis the game’

The plannin is in, but fit’s the plan?
A’ the fans want tae ken is fan,
fittiver, farivver, fanivver, an’ fit
the Dons can dae tae be a tad less shit!

Nae cups, nae flags for ower mony years,
the fans have lang rin oot o’ tears
nae money for players, nae place in the sun,
But “at’ll a’ change fan we get a new grun”

”Well stick it in a bog, cos a bog’s nae bloody use,
An we’ll dae awa wi Pittodrie cos thers plunty needin a hoose
An if the new grun sinks, then the insurance surely will
Buy aff the folk, an get the park we’re needin in Westhill”

Dedicated tae fowk o’ Nigg and Loirston – See article.

Aug 272010

Alex Mitchell continues his historical account of the Old Burghs of Aberdeen, and of macabre practices and dangerous times.

From the end of the 16th century until 1776 there was a gibbet on Gallows Hill, which overlooked the Links and, from the early 20th century, the Pittodrie Stadium, hence its later description as ‘Miser’s Hillie’ – it afforded a free view of the football matches. Continue reading »

Aug 132010

On Fire With Fergie – Me, My Dad and the Dons – Stuart Donald.

Hachette Scotland 338 pages £12.99

As promised last week, when Aberdeen Voice appeared to be unique in giving media coverage to the launch of this and the Heritage Trust’s books, Voice’s David Innes, rises from his settee where he’s been glued to On Fire With Fergie since he took it home.

Stuart Donald’s three-pronged approach in writing On Fire With Fergie, documenting his personal rites of passage story of falling in and out of love with the 80s Dons, recording those incredible victories and celebrations whilst paying tribute to his late dad, Gordon Donald, “The Chancellor” to whom the book is dedicated, is beautifully successful.

Although of much older vintage than the author, I can identify with almost every sentence of Stuart’s narrative. The childhood naivety, the swelling hope, the tears, the tantrums, the eventual realisation that The Man in the grotesque guise of the Old Firm will flex his financial muscle, call in old favours and render our spike on the success graph as a temporary and unsustainable blip. But by hookey, it was fun while it lasted.

This is much more than a fitba book – it’s a well-written tale of familial relationships, adolescence, quiet rebellion and growing up and it’s among the best terracing-derived accounts of club football that I have read.

The passages of reported and remembered conversations, especially those featuring Donald senior are rib-tickling and have display stout granite-like profundity typical of wise NE Everydad. That they are reproduced in Doric renders them all the more relevant to the Dons and all the more pointed. I think that most Dons fans would have been able to relate to the sage but passionate Chancellor. It would surely have been a pleasure to have known him.

It’s heartening too that Stuart Donald is unafraid to say what he (and most Dons fans) thought thirty years ago – in turn describing in scornful terms Old Firm violence and bigotry, peer jealousy, despicable Dundee United’s status as a minor irritant to the Dons with whom they were always crazily bracketed by lazy hacks and who always crumpled, papier mache-like, in the face of the Old Firm when the chips were down. I trust he has not mellowed on any of these scores, for these have not changed much.

This is much more than a fitba book – it’s a well-written tale of familial relationships, adolescence, quiet rebellion and growing up and it’s among the best terracing-derived accounts of club football that I have read. I recommend it to anyone who lived through those sweet, heady days or to anyone curious about how fans viewed the most glorious period of our shared fitba and community heritage.

Aug 062010

By David Innes

Aberdeen Football Club in the Scottish Qualifying Cup by Chris Gavin. Published by AFC Heritage Trust. 76 pages. £5.99


Published under the auspices of Aberdeen FC Heritage Trust, this first historical book in a planned series is an excellent start and sheds light on the early days of the Dons and their struggle to attain status as a senior club.

Continue reading »

Aug 062010

“If someone had brought beer round, it would have been just like sitting in the pub discussing the Dons” – Voice’s David Innes calls in from Pittodrie

This was bordering on the perfect evening for Dons fans. A slab of primal club history from AFC Heritage Trust’s new publication charting the Dons’ early struggles in the Scottish Qualifying Cup; the narration of an entertaining passage by its creator Chris Gavin; reminiscences of more recent success with the launch of Stuart Donald’s On Fire With Fergie (review next week), again enhanced by the author’s reading of impressive episodes, and a relaxed chat with the immortal John Hewitt. Continue reading »

Jul 232010

Pittodrie StadiumBy Dave Innes.

Doom, gloom, despondency and rumours of four dodgy-looking jockeys riding over the Broad Hill are prevalent among some Dons fans on websites and in the city’s bijou cafes since the nail-biting end to last season. The weekend’s 3-1 defeat by Fraserburgh did nothing but add to the inevitable white noise of supporter anguish. Continue reading »

Jul 092010

By Dave Innes.

Last time out, I explained why my single-minded fanaticism for the Dons had cooled somewhat. A fitba fan, however, still needs that weekly 90 minute fix.

So, what to do with all those Saturday afternoons? It’s simple really – I’ve gone back to my roots.

Continue reading »

Jul 022010
Pittodrie Stadium

Article by Dave Innes

If you’d said to me 15 years ago that in the future, my Saturday afternoons would be spent only infrequently at Pittodrie, that I’d stop rearranging or postponing work responsibilities and family commitments to ensure I would be able to go to that vital midweek away league game at Love St, I’d have laughed in your face. Such was my commitment to the Dons since sometime in the early 1960s, that any hint of dilution of this devotion would have seemed crazy. Yet, I can count on the fingers of both hands the number of times I slid 22 quid across the turnstile counter last season to take part in what used to be the highlight of my week and the best community experience going.

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Jun 242010
Pittodrie Stadium

It would appear things are not too happy down Pittodrie way at the moment.

On the back of a dreadful season, the Club has lost key players and there seems to be mounting apathy among fans with season ticket sales numbers not expected to break records. There is also a feeling of torpor as the Club finds itself caught in limbo with a large debt, the real chance of a significant drop in income and in the midst of all this, the need to find the finance to move to the proposed community stadium at Loirston.

Yes, there have been happier times, and the fledgling AFC Heritage Trust is doing its best to preserve those memories whilst at the same time keeping fingers crossed that the Dons can emerge from the current apparent gloom and begin challenging for honours again.

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