By Bob Smith.
We hiv a problem in Aiberdeen Keepin the bliddy pavemints clean Litter strewn fae pillar tae post Plastic cups an half aeten toast . Fag eyns lyin ootside office doors As weel as aat o shops an stores Lazy buggers jist fling them doon Fin binnin them wid be a boon . Grub containers aa ower the place Efter some bodie’s fed their face If on the hoof ye maan eat Dinna leave boxies on the street . Young mithers strollin doon the wye They hear their little darlins cry A sweetie is gien tae the geet The wrappers drappit at their feet . Skweelkids oot fer denner or lunch Some are a maist untidy bunch Throwe a bag o crisps they cha’ Syne chukk the bliddy bag awa . Pavemints strewn wi chuddy blob Spat oot o some nyaff’s gob Stickin tae the slabs an sheen Aroon oor toon o Aiberdeen |
Fowk oot waakin their family pet Some hinna got the message yet Seems they think it fair absurd Tae pick up their doggie’s turd . Nae jist in the toon ye’ll see Fowks trash an cuttins fae a tree Oot some bonnie kwintra lane The litter dumpers are a bane . Auld cookers, beddin an sic like Left aa aroon bi some orra tyke Ower damn’t lazy tae show their face An tak it tae a recyclin place . Ess problem society his richt aneuch An een aat’s proovin affa teuch Fowk are feart tae challenge dumpers Fa micht turn oot tae be face thumpers . They say educashun stairts at hame It’s time tae pit litter in the frame So’s the neist generation are mair aware An littered streets they are nae mair. . . . . ©Bob Smith “The PoetryMannie” 2013 |
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