Mar 202015

martin-fordWith thanks to Martin Ford. Councillor Martin Ford is to serve on a new Aberdeenshire Council working group set up to overhaul the authority’s governance arrangements.

Cllr Ford (Scottish Green Party, East Garioch ward) will represent the three Aberdeenshire councillors who are neither in the Council’s coalition administration or the SNP on the 14-member working group.

The new working group – to be known as the ‘Future Governance Working Group’ – was agreed at last Thursday’s (12 March) full council meeting.

The immediate need to change the Council’s governance arrangements results from the integration of health and social care – but other pressures, including an on-going financial squeeze, also point to a review being necessary.

Speaking during last Thursday’s full council debate, Cllr Ford described Aberdeenshire’s current governance structures as having been ‘tired for some time’. He urged that a bold approach is taken by the Working Group.

Cllr Ford said:

“The Future Governance Working Group has an important job to do. Some changes are needed because of new circumstances. Some changes are needed to address things that are currently not working well, or not as well as they should. Some changes are desirable as over-due improvements.

“For example, a public petitions committee was mooted in 2012. Yet the Council has still not established one.” 

Cllr Ford has identified a number of areas where he believes significant changes are needed. He said:

“I hope the Council will agree to strengthen the role of its Area Committees.

“The process for setting the Council’s budget has to change and include meaningful opportunities for public engagement and consultation. As well as public involvement, there must be a new approach to the scrutiny and challenge of proposals by councillors.

“It has been made ridiculously difficult for councillors to get issues of concern on to the agenda of Council meetings through submitting notices of motion. And this has been a deliberate policy of the Council. It is an essential democratic safeguard that individual elected councillors can raise issues at formal Council meetings.

“I believe the Council must take a fresh look at decision making in relation to cross-cutting priorities such as climate change. Decisions primarily about some different matter will often have knock-on effects for the Council’s efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and we need to get better at checking for unintended consequences and secondary effects during the decision making process. Otherwise the Council can accidentally undermine its own policies.

“We also need to look for efficiencies in the decision making process. This is extremely important given on-going financial pressures.”

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Mar 142015

Aberdeen fought back from a goal down in a messy and sometimes bad mannered affair, writes Voice reporter Andrew Watson.

merkalndpic2It was a snatch and grab for the Pittodrie side.

They gained two goals in quick succession from a Motherwell back line that made costly errors.

This undone the vital one goal lead the Steelmen gained very much against the run of play.

It was 35 minutes into the game that manager Derek McInnes sought change in his ranks, taking off Donervorn Daniels, replacing him with wing ace Peter Pawlett.

Their man, Lee Erwin, unleashed a shot from outside the box. Keeper Jamie Langfield, back after Scott Brown’s Parkhead display against Celtic, could only look on as Erwin’s teammate Scott McDonald pounced to make that all important touch to put it across the goal line.

0-1 Motherwell (McDonald) only two minutes after said substitution.

Come the second half the dynamics of game changed slightly.

Five minutes into the final forty five, 50 minutes into the game, Ashton Taylor was a free man as an in swinging corner met his head just yards from goal.

Their keeper was nimble yet somehow turned it into his own net.


Things went from bad to worse for Motherwell as the Reds, two minutes later, found the back of the net.

This was via some opportunistic poaching from Adam Rooney, punishing some slack defending as confusion reigned between the hapless keeper and his four charges.

2-1 Aberdeen!

Barry Robson replaced David Goodwillie on the 78 minute mark. Twelve minutes later substitute Pawlett was himself taken off, in favour of comeback kid Clark Robertson.

Aberdeen could’ve pushed for that decisive third goal, though it never came.

Having said that, it was refreshing to see them go a goal down and recover.

Perhaps they’d become too accustomed to winning outright and simultaneously grinding out clean sheets. Maybe it shows the diversity in their methods for victory; their versatility.

Final score:  2-1.

Mar 132015

cruel sea cover feat

By David Innes.

The recent Pentland Firth tragedy in which the Cemfjord was lost with all hands, demonstrates that no matter how sailing and marine technology improves, the treacherous Scottish coastline and our frequently-inhospitable weather refuse to be tamed.

45 years have elapsed since the twin tragic losses of lifeboats from Fraserburgh and Longhope and whilst technology and training have improved, there remains considerable scope for losses at sea.

In a clockwise circumnavigation of this coastline in Scotland’s Cruel Sea, Robert Jeffrey charts how along its entirety, marine disaster has befallen the unwary, the unprepared and the unlucky.

He recognises the bravery of those who have fought elements, waves, currents, rocks and fortune, be they mariners or rescuers.

He also tells of the frequent crass stupidity which saw seafarers ill-prepared for almost certain death – a steam-driven submarine with folding tunnels and multiple vents? You don’t need to make that up – it happened and is well-documented here.

Likewise, his exacting prose describes clearly how the Iolaire sank just outside Stornoway harbour on New Year’s Day 1919, with over 200 men, who had survived the brutality of The Great War, lost within sight of their homes, a tragedy that is still mourned in the Hebrides.

The Longhope lifeboat TGB, from which all crew were lost exactly 45 years ago on a mercy mission doomed to failure, was recovered intact, re-fitted and went on to serve for another ten years and 41 call-outs in Ireland. Who knew that?

He describes the June 1916 loss of the Hampshire as a harrowing experience for Britain, as Lord Kitchener was the most high-profile loss on Orkney’s west coast, in an ill-considered venture into a raging summer storm. The effect of Kitchener’s death, and the conspiracy theories it spawned, Jeffrey says, would be akin to the more contemporary deaths of John F Kennedy or Princess Diana.

Of most interest to Voice readers, of course, will be the marine losses affecting NE Scotland, including Piper Alpha which caused “collective shock” not only in the oil industry, but in the country and where the bereaved and survivors found it, “as difficult to extract fairness from the multinationals as it was to get the oil and gas to the surface”.

Linked to North Sea exploration, is the insightful chapter on Chinook and Super Puma ditchings and near misses along with a tribute to pilot skills which, Jeffrey points out, have prevented many more losses in extreme conditions.

The Tay Bridge collapse of Hogmanay 1879 also gets its own chapter and Jeffrey’s frustration is obvious as he tells of the forewarnings of structural instability, inappropriate train speeds and the fears of an ex-Provost of Dundee who would only travel southbound on the ill-fated structure. It’s a surprise to learn that the final death toll has never been enumerated and that the locomotive was recovered from the Tay and put back into service.

Scotland’s Cruel Sea is informative, sympathetic, cautionary and written so that non-technical readers can appreciate the issues behind the human suffering associated with our being an island race.

Scotland’s Cruel Sea by Robert Jeffrey.

Black & White Publishing
ISBN 978 I 84502 886 2

Mar 052015
Lewis Griffiths, Tim Driesen, Sam Ferriday and Stephen Webb in JERSEY BOYS UK tour - Credit: Helen Maybanks

Lewis Griffiths, Tim Driesen, Sam Ferriday and Stephen Webb in JERSEY BOYS UK tour – Credit: Helen Maybanks

By Duncan Harley

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame arrived in Aberdeen this week in the form of the 1960s era, jukebox-style musical, Jersey Boys, and it would be fair to say that the audience went wild.

From curtain rise to curtain call this is a highly polished and electrifyingly energetic production.

After almost a decade touring worldwide, who would expect otherwise.

With a pedigree of 27 Top 40 singles including Big Girls Don’t Cry, Walk Like a Man and Rag Doll, the original Four Seasons’ tough but tender doo-wop harmonies continue to wow Rock ‘n’ Roll fans of all ages.

Add to the mix around 100 million record sales, and it’s difficult to see how Director Des McAnuff’s musical portrayal of the group’s often troubled rise and fall could fail to please the theatre audience.

As always, casting makes or breaks a musical, and the choice of Belgian-born actor Tim Driesen – Rock of Ages and We Will Rock You – to play lead Frankie Valli is more than satisfying. Bearing a passing resemblance to the young Frankie, Tim’s stage presence and ferocious falsetto vocal range steal the show.

Sam Ferriday as songsmith Bob Gaudio, Lewis Griffiths as the gentle Nick Massi and Stephen Webb as the renegade Tommy DeVito complete the band lineup and in numbers such as Sherry and Bye Bye Baby, the quartet’s performance bordered on the magical. At times it was difficult to separate performance from reality.

After all we are talking here about a group which disbanded in 1977. The 20th century rock genre still commands massive audience appeal however, as gems such as John Byrne’s Tutti Frutti and Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show indicate.

The narrative is neatly subdivided Vivaldi-like into Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, with each band member taking a turn to relate his own particular version of the band’s rise and fall. Interspersed throughout by around 30 original Four Seasons hits, this approach works well.

As the rags-to-riches story plays out and the discord between band members becomes unbearably raw, the musical score keeps pace.

Spring’s I Can’t Give you Anything But Love leads on to the prohibition-inspired Oh What a Night of Summer.

Sam Ferriday, Stephen Webb, Tim Driesen and Lewis Griffiths in JERSEY BOYS UK tour Credit: Helen Maybanks

Sam Ferriday, Stephen Webb, Tim Driesen and Lewis Griffiths in JERSEY BOYS UK tour Credit: Helen Maybanks

The Big Man in Town of the Fall gives way to Winter’s Fallen Angel and Who Loves You. In the end of course, all is calm on the wrong side of the tracks, and the Four Seasons are admitted to the Hall of Fame.

Yes of course the quartet’s story is told in a somewhat fictionalised form. As a musical though, the story works well.

The gang connections, for example, might be ever so slightly romanticised, two rather than one of Frankie Valli’s daughters actually died, one by apparent suicide and one by drug overdose in 1980; and the real Tommy DeVito denies being an untidy room-mate who peed in the sink.

“I was probably the cleanest guy there … I don’t even know how they come up with this kinda stuff,” he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal recently.

But this is theatre after all, and a wee bit of spin in the name of entertainment is not unwelcome.

If there is one minor criticism it would be that there is little reference to the contemporary music scene.

The storyline exists in an explosive bubble of doo-wop and aside from a reference or two to Bob Gaudio’s pre- Four Season’s hit Short Shorts and some discussion about how to get airplay on prime time radio, we are pretty much left in the dark about the general music scene in the far off 1960s.

The supporting cast were superb with Nathaniel Morrison’s Barry and Charlie Allen’s Swing due special mention, as of course is Matt Gillett who plays record producer Bob Crewe.

Lighting, sound and set are slick and the costumes are both pin sharp and iconic.

All in all Jersey Boys is a show well worth seeing.

Jersey Boys plays at HM Theatre Aberdeen until Saturday 14th March.

Tickets from Aberdeen Performing Arts Tel: 01224- 641122

Words © Duncan Harley, Images © Helen Maybanks

Mar 052015

martin-fordWith thanks to Cllr Martin Ford.

Aberdeenshire’s Green councillor Martin Ford has responded to the latest claims made by Donald Trump about his golf development at Menie and the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre planned for Aberdeen Bay. Mr Trump made his remarks to a golfing magazine which were further reported in the Sunday Herald.

Cllr Ford has dismissed Mr Trump’s claims as ‘absurd’. The councillor is not disputing Mr Trump’s right to go to court.

On Mr Trump’s claim that he will now go ahead with a second golf course, Cllr Ford said:

“Mr Trump has contradicted himself repeatedly about what he will actually build. I would attach very little weight to his statements about his future intentions at Menie.”

On Mr Trump’s claim that the proposed wind turbines will destroy the landscape, Cllr Ford said:

“The most important landscape feature at Menie was the amazing mobile dune system, vandalised by Mr Trump to build his first golf course.”

On Mr Trump’s claim that the lower oil price will make the proposed turbines uneconomic, Cllr Ford said:

“The need to tackle climate change is not affected by short-term fluctuations in the oil price. We must increase the proportion of energy produced from renewable sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – in accordance with scientific evidence, international obligations and domestic legislation.”

On Mr Trump’s claims that he and his Menie golf development are very popular, Cllr Ford said:

“The emperor has no clothes. Mr Trump’s belief in his own popularity is just part of his fantasy view of the world.”

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Mar 052015

Christian Allard and Debbie MRRWith thanks to Gavin Mowat.

SNP MSP Christian Allard has signed up to Shelter Scotland’s ‘Make Renting Right’ campaign which calls for a renting sector that works both for people who live in rented housing and landlords who rent out their properties.

The Make Renting Right campaign seeks to improve the growing and changing private rented sector to make sure it is a safe, secure and stable housing option.

312,000 households in Scotland now live in the private rented sector, which is 13 per cent of all households.

The number of families with children has more than doubled in the last ten years, with 80,000 children now living in private rented accommodation.

Mr Allard and other signatories of the Make Renting Right campaign are asking for: Stability for people wanting to make rented housing their home; flexibility for people to stay in their home as long as they need to; a modern tenancy that gives security and flexibility for tenants AND landlords; a fair system for sorting out renting problems when they occur; predictable rents for tenants and landlords.

Commenting, Christian Allard MSP said:

“I am happy to have signed up to this campaign – fair renting for both the tenant and the landlord is an important priority.

“Here in the North East there is a vibrant private renting market which should be fair, flexible and suitable for everyone involved.

“That is why I am delighted to have the opportunity to support Shelter Scotland’s Make Renting Right Campaign.”

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Feb 272015

marischalpicBy Phil Johnstone.

In the wake of Aberdeen receiving the Carbuncle Award for most dismal town in Scotland and the on going row over the Marchiscal Square redevelopment the city could do with some good news.

A £2billion funding package as part of the ‘City Deal’ fund would alleviate any angst felt over the Carbuncle award.

If the bid for funds is successful they must be used to help the people who live and work in the area instead of subsidising large corporations so that they continue doing business in the area.

At the moment the money is earmarked for redeveloping the harbour, building a new exhibition centre, transport infrastructure and new housing. Whilst spending the money on a new exhibition centre is debatable, few who live in Aberdeen would disagree with the need for better roads and cheaper housing.

Using the money to start a massive program building good quality council houses would provide jobs, generate income for the council via rents and relieve the pressure on the overheated Aberdeen housing market. The cost of renting a room in Aberdeen has increased by 39% in the past 2 years. As prices spiral out of control it’s making the city unaffordable for many and means attracting key workers such as nurses and teachers is increasingly difficult.

Due to the nature of the oil industry Aberdeen has always had a rather transient population but a significant amount of workers work onshore but commute weekly due to their inability to afford anything cheaper. It’s important to make Aberdeen a place where people want to live not just a place where they work.

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Feb 272015
Signing the TTIP pledge at Holyrood

Christian Allard MSP signing the pledge at the Scottish Parliament.

With thanks to Gavin Mowat.

Christian Allard, MSP for the North East of Scotland, has added his support to the campaign to fight against privatisation of the NHS.

The campaign calls for David Cameron to use his veto to protect the health service from the effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Mr Allard along with SNP colleagues at the Scottish Parliament signed the People’s NHS pledge to demand that David Cameron vetoes TTIP unless the NHS is “fully and clearly exempted” from the agreement.

Commenting, Christian Allard MSP said:

“Protecting the NHS is an important priority for people in Scotland and for the SNP. This is why SNP MSPs are pledging that we will call on the Prime Minster to veto TTIP if it does not explicitly exempt the NHS from the agreement.

“Our NHS staff do a fantastic job in our most treasured public institution and this work is too important to be put at risk from TTIP.

“The SNP will do everything in our power to protect our NHS and support the good work of our NHS staff – that is why we are signing this pledge.”

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Feb 222015

Ex-Buddie Kenny McLean helped Aberdeen romp to victory against St Mirren at Pittodrie, remarks Voice reporter Andrew Watson.

pittodrie2The weather was mild and clear, but not as warm as one would think looking out the window prior to heading out to the game. Early on it seemed the Saints were going to make life difficult for the Dons.

They pressed the home side toe to toe and ball for ball, leaving little room for any creativity – a bit like Motherwell under Stuart McCall a few seasons back; lots of pressure, dominating and hard to match.

This, however, did not last long and Aberdeen soon found their rhythm.

A McLean corner found the head of Adam Rooney. The resulting ball was cleared off the line.  Mark Reynolds then tested the keeper, who responded well.  However, the ball came to McLean, again.

His back-heel found the feet of Peter Pawlett. Andrew Considine then added the decisive touch to the sequence, heading across goal for Rooney to bundle in.

1-0 Aberdeen with a goal 21 minutes in!

Before the break, there was much dominance from the home side. Despite this, St Mirren had some chances too. In other words, both sides failed to capitalise.

Come the second half though, it only took Aberdeen a few minutes to further their lead.

Niall McGinn did a power of work on the wing, but the ball delivered was slightly overcooked. It took McLean to bring it into a more fortuitous area. Rooney completed his brace, again from close range, after 48 minutes.

2-0 Aberdeen!

Reynolds was then in receipt of McGinn’s corner cross after 66 minutes.

3-0 Aberdeen with a header!

Pawlett came off for David Goodwillie two minutes later. Lawrence Shankland came on for Rooney, who really should’ve scored a hat-trick by that point, at 77 minutes.  Willo Flood was then swapped for Barry Robson on the 84 minute mark.

One Saint who deserves a mention would be veteran and stalwart, Jim Goodwin. Perhaps not for the right reasons, though. He skied an attempt on goal, as his team pressed hard for a deserved solitary consolatory goal. No luck, Buddie.

“There’s only one Jim Goodwin, one Jim Goodwin!”

Or so the Red Army sang. Good stuff from the men in red, though I dare say they’re missing Jonny Hayes. Though assisting both Rooney’s goals, we’re yet to see the best of McLean, too.

Final score:  3-0.

Feb 202015

One hundred columns ago, Old Susannah wrote on the theme of how propaganda permeates our media and government, and how it’s used by the powerful to steer us and to blinker us. Times haven’t changed. By Suzanne Kelly

DictionaryIt’s been a confusing week in the Deen; it’s been very hard to read the signs. Not least the signs pointing the way to the tourist board. An eagle-eyed local restaurateur (and pal) Steve Bothwell noticed that signs near the green point people in the wrong directions; those who wanted tourist info are merrily sent the wrong way.

If only we had some way to fix this problem. Word is those responsible for this error are planning to solve the problem by having the tourist board moved to a location near where the sign points.

All things considered, I think we’re on our way to being a modern, major Scottish city like Edinburgh.  We may still be able to escalate the St Nicholas House/Muse plans into our own Holyrood.

Holyrood of course was a well defined, precisely-run, on budget project which created the lovely building which fits so beautifully into the existing architecture of Edinburgh. If the building leaks, creaks and looks like its facade was drawn badly on the back of an envelope by someone using their foot and a crayon that just means it’s adventurous.

Perhaps we’ll yet have our own Tram scheme; we did have a councillor in the last administration calling for a monorail. Again Edinburgh handled that wonderfully well.

But as we learned this week, Edinburgh’s taken property management to a whole new level this week. Mandarins in the council managed to sell the historic Parliament building:  the only problem was that it didn’t actually own it – Edinburgh’s citizens do.

Or should I say Edinburgh’s citizens did own it. Scottish property ownership expert Andy Wightman’s account of this imaginative sale can be found here.  Aberdeen readers may be interested to know that the property in question was considered common good. At least you wouldn’t find anyone around the Granite City trying to appropriate common good land, Wood you?

Back here in the Glass City – sorry – Granite City, the Lord Provost decided that a motion to stop the Muse project was ‘incompetent’. It’s good to know the city is continuing to stop incompetence wherever and whenever they find it. Perhaps they want a word with the people who put up the tourist board sign though.

If only there was some way for the city to see whether or not people wanted a glass box or green space. Perhaps if a few hundred people protested, lobbied and campaigned. STV has a little poll going on; and while it’s a close-run thing, about 90% of people don’t want Muse’s glass box building.

Some people felt they were slightly misled over what would and wouldn’t happen to the St Nick’s site.  While it’s not like a politician to ever mislead anyone, perhaps a few propaganda-related definitions may remind us that once in a blue moon, we should question the information put before us.  And with that, a few definitions.

Emotive: (English adjective) Condition of having feelings and impulses not associated with logic or fact.

One thing we can’t have is people with feelings getting in the way of those who don’t have any.  The favoured propaganda tactic  to quash these Emos is to call them names, even if this paradoxically implies that those doing the name-calling are being aggressive, bullying and abrasive.   This is a strategy beloved of the SNH for those of us who want to find means to manage our environment without killing animals unnecessarily.

The Scotsman’s headline set the tone last week, portraying the people and organisations opposed to deer culling as ‘angry’. You see, if you’re angry – you’re emotional. A good headline should set the tone of the article to come.

I hope no one will be embarrassed by how emotive I got in commenting on this Scotsman article, but here is a comment I made:

“It’s disappointing that so many of the comments on this page have to sink to insulting those who oppose the cull. I’ve been studying for some years now the draconian proposals and guidelines that SNH have created about deer populations. You could be forgiven for thinking that the latest SNH guidelines were written by the pro-hunting lobby. In Aberdeen, a hill which supported a few dozen deer for decades with meadowland and gorse had no starvation issues.

“The roe deer live a short span, and foxes are well known predator as are man (we had five deer poached last year in the area I’m talking about – Tullos) and dogs. The SNH now says a herd size for this hill will be only 3 or 4 animals. The SNH don’t explain how this can be a healthy gene pool – how could they? Anyone who protests the punishing guidelines is, as comments on here show, insulted and denigrated.

“The fact is it is becoming a nice little earner to turn meadowland into forest; my city has spent at least £200,000 so far to transform Tullos – when several thousand residents signed a petition to leave the hill alone. In the mean time, SNH last counted 19 deer in the entire city green belt and urban fringe. We won’t have any deer left if the SNH’s position goes unchallenged.

“The people who manage private land may also be forced to kill more deer than they think is sensible. When there are humane ways to control deer numbers, why are we choosing culling as a first and only option? No it is not scientific and has no historic basis at least in my area.”

What caused this gushing show of emotion on my part? Here are some of the rational, measured comments made on the article by pro deer culling people:

“The animal rights groups made a big fuss about “game management” claiming that it was cruel, akin to killing Bambi…sound familiar? Now the deer have over-populated and are starting to starve to death. It pays to listen to the experts who know what they are doing and disregard the sappy tree huggers.”

“These animal charities are notorious for attracting vicious and malevolent people, and so I hope the people of Perthshire will keep an extra-careful eye on them.”


“We can thank these so called animal rights nutters for releasing Mink into the wild and all the damage they have done to our natural wild life…. These campaigners should be prosecuted for promoting animal cruelty, because as has been said by many others below, the deer population is out of control and many die slowly of starvation and disease…..”

Well, that’s me told. Heaven forbid the pro-culling posts were orchestrated or that people who hid behind pseudonyms were part of the authorities trying to convince the rest of us that if you’re against deer culls you’re being emotional. Heaven also forbid that the SNH had issued any press releases that fed into the line the Scotsman chose to take. That would never happen.

Being emotional is of course a major failing in a person in this day and age; if you do somehow have any emotions left after the constant bombardment we’re subject to of violence, racism, misogyny, animal abuse, best keep those emotions hidden.  You see, if you have any emotional reaction to something, then this means you are incapable of exercising any logic or intelligence. The two can’t be separated. Therefore, if you are against deer culling, you are unintelligent.

In this week’s papers we’re told that the subject of sentencing is also ‘emotive.’  You don’t say.

Happily, all sentencing in Scotland is proportional, measured, and no favouritism is ever shown to the powerful, the police, or the famous. I still fondly remember how a local policeman was cleared of looking up info on his ex regarding a drug case. The court found someone else must have accessed the data – using the accused’s password.

No doubt the police are looking for the real culprit – someone else in the force with the accused’s password who would have wanted info on the accused’s ex. Makes sense to me.

Not only is sentencing emotive, it can also be complicated. I’m as amazed as you are. Happily, the government is setting up yet another board, and no doubt sentencing, which the likes of  you and I can’t hope to understand of course, will be handled just as fairly in the future as it is now.

The Government in fact is committed to making justice ‘FAIR, FAST AND FLEXIBLE JUSTICE‘.

Well, it can be fast. It certainly is flexible. I guess two out of three ain’t bad.


How do you get your own way in politics? As is the case here in Aberdeen, by persuasion with facts and reason. However, on the rare occasion the public need to be guided just that little bit more.

Back when the new St Nick’s proposal was first launched at the city’s art gallery (itself soon to be closed for a few years for a tasteful destruction of its marble stair and for a portacabin tm to be plunked on top of it), a consultation was held. It was wonderful to see the pretty drawings. Obviously though, the details were meant to be left to the architects of this city’s current architecture – our planners and those with big chequebooks.

With the people we have controlling the master (?) plan, many of whom have important titles like ‘Dr’ and so on, we’ll be the rival of Washington DC, Paris and London in just a few more years. If not, we may wind up twinned with Milton Keynes or Redditch. Anyway, I wrote to the city with my (emotive) criticisms of the scheme. In due course, I was invited to give a 5 minute deputation to the full council (Result!) on what I thought was wrong with the scheme.

A whole 5 minutes – and all I had to do was spend the entire day off work hanging around in the Town House.

I wondered – Should I take a day off work, buy a new frock, get a Valerie Watt spray tan and have my nails done and come and make a speech for 5 minutes? No doubt concerns of traffic congestion, pollution, architectural concerns, etc. would have won the day.

I called someone at the council and we discussed the pros and cons of this deputation. The word on the street as it were was that the decision to build glass boxes on the former St Nicholas House site was metaphorically set in stone. I could come along, but in the view of my contact, it would not make a difference. I don’t want to get my source in trouble; like me, they had been told it was too late to make any change.

We both believed this to be true. So I declined my chance to bring up a few emotive issues about St Nick’s former site.

Fast forward a few months, and it seems both my source and I were misinformed. The city won’t lose a hundred million pounds if we say no to the current design.

The future of the site has seen one or two little changes since that consultation at the art gallery.   Today the story is that we’re getting that glass office after all.  Somehow this will revitalise our retail sector, cure baldness, and make billions of jobs.  I wonder what the story will be tomorrow.

Yellow Journalism: (org. USA  – compound noun) Sensationalising or fabricating stories in order to both sell newspapers and to influence opinions.

This term hardly matters in today’s modern, well-informed age, but just for historical interest, here’s a word on yellow journalism.  In  days gone by newspaper giants Hearst and Pulitzer were fighting for supremacy in the US market, there was the occasional bit of creative licence taken with the facts.  A fight for a cartoon strip featuring ‘the yellow’ kid – a very popular feature – lent its name to a kind of journalism where facts don’t get in the way of a story, where hatred can be inflamed to influence opinion, and where the powerful are pulling the strings, often distracting people from the truth by the use of sensationalism, propaganda and misinformation.  This was the time of American expansionism, and a few little wars here and there.  Isn’t it great to be in the enlightened age?

As described on one website:

The rise of yellow journalism helped to create a climate conducive to the outbreak of international conflict and the expansion of U.S. influence overseas, but it did not by itself cause the war.

“In spite of Hearst’s often quoted statement—“You furnish the pictures, I’ll provide the war!”—other factors played a greater role in leading to the outbreak of war. The papers did not create anti-Spanish sentiments out of thin air, nor did the publishers fabricate the events to which the U.S. public and politicians reacted so strongly.”

Of course, a newspaper editor has several responsibilities to balance. One – to make lots of dosh for the shareholders. Two – to take lots of dosh for the sponsors and advertisers, who must be kept happy at all costs. Three – to make people buy the newspaper in the first place. It’s a tough job.

Remember the giant Evening Express headlines about ‘packets of white powder’ being found on an offshore oil installation? The implication was it was illegal drugs, and the paper milked it for all it was worth. Alas!  it was only cold medicine. You’ll remember the paper’s headlines announcing it had made a mistake. Or perhaps not.

Some papers such as the Daily Mail are subject to similar creative embellishments. Emotive headlines are a great way to get facts across to us emotive, slow-witted people, especially about immigrants, benefit scroungers, foreigners and other kinds of undesirables. It’s also a good way to sell papers.

News Blackout: (modern English compound noun) To deliberately withhold news and information.

If they don’t know about it, they can’t be upset about it. Whether it’s the P&J veritably ignoring stories about Donald Trump having underworld links, sometimes it’s best to have a media blackout. We’ve all those hoards of incoming tourists to think about, and Sarah Malone needs a new pair of Choos. Best a newspaper editor is selective with what stories they print.

That’s the case these days at London-based news institution The Telegraph.

The paper is just a little on the conservative side, and its rational, balanced, live-and-let live owners, the Barclay Brothers, have been doing a great job of livening things up.

Once the paper of choice for Tories it’s far more inclusive now, with stories about women with three breasts (that wasn’t quite true). Any story about business profits, exam results, you name it is usually dressed up with a picture of a pretty girl – and of course all the guys like their news served up like that. Private Eye magazine has cruelly made fun of the paper’s use of ‘fruity’ girls, and accuses the Torygraph (as PE calls it) of ‘dumbing down’.

It’s not really dumbing down if you decide not to trouble your readership with stories that are either boring or complicated (which is pretty much the same thing).  Take for instance the stories circulating about HSBC (‘the world’s local bank’) being somewhat in a pickle, the Telegraph decided that it wasn’t much of a story. So there are some questions about the bank’s operations, a wee black hole in its books and its Swiss offices being raided by police and the like.

HSBC has also apparently helped wealthy people avoid paying tax – that’s hardly news is it? While the rest of the UK’s papers were covering this story, the Torygraph was ignoring it. It’s almost as if the Barclay Bros had rich, powerful interest to protect – but surely not.

I’m certainly not suggesting that the government, quangos, media, police and our local politicians are manipulative, self-serving, devious or dishonest – heaven forbid. But I am beginning to have my doubts.

Next week- an updated who’s who of the great and powerful of city and shire.

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