Dec 062013

TfL volunteers celebrateWith thanks to Richard Bunting.

On 29th November, the conservation charity Trees for Life celebrated the announcement that it has won £50,000 of Lottery funding for a pioneering project to help restore Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest and protect its rare wildlife from extinction.

The conservation charity’s plan to create a new volunteer training programme at its Dundreggan Conservation Estate near Loch Ness, which will benefit hundreds of disadvantaged people from the Inverness region, was successful in the recent finals of the People’s Millions public vote.

Speaking after the announcement last Friday Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“This is fantastic news for our work to save the Caledonian Forest and its unique wildlife and for the hundreds of people every year who will be able to join our training programme – transforming their own lives as they help to restore the forest.

“I would like to thank every single person who voted for us in the People’s Millions yesterday.”

The Trees for Life training project is about people and places.  In particular, it will benefit people from diverse backgrounds and those with limited access to healthy outdoor activities and training opportunities.

Disadvantaged people – including those on low incomes or who are unemployed from the rural region around Inverness and from deprived urban areas in Inverness – will be able to learn about threatened habitats and species and gain health benefits from volunteering in green places.

Activities will include planting trees and wild flowers, collecting seeds for propagating rare species, and growing trees and plants in a tree nursery.  The project will be accessible for older people and those with limited mobility, or affected by mental health issues, and accredited training for leading volunteer groups will also be on offer.

The People’s Millions, in which the public decide which local community projects will receive Lottery funding, is a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund and ITV and voting took place all day on 29th November with the results being broadcast by STV North in the evening.

Dundreggan, which is in Glen Moriston, Inverness-shire, has been described as a Highlands ‘lost world’ and, so far, almost 70 priority species for conservation, including several species never recorded in the UK before, have been discovered there.

The award-winning Trees for Life charity has planted more than one million trees at dozens of sites in the Highlands and has pledged to establish one million more trees by planting and natural regeneration by 2018.

For further details, please visit or call 0845 458 3505.

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Nov 252013

TfL volunteers People's Millions Nov 2013 mediumWith thanks to Richard Bunting.

Trees for Life is urging people to help it win £50,000 of Lottery funding in a televised public vote on Thursday 28 November, to help restore Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest and protect its rare wildlife from extinction, while benefitting hundreds of disadvantaged people.

The conservation charity is a finalist in the People’s Millions – a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund and ITV, in which the public decide which local community projects will receive Lottery funding – for its plan to establish a pioneering volunteer training programme at its Dundreggan Conservation Estate near Loch Ness.

“We are asking people to vote for us on 28 November. Our People’s Millions project is about people and places. It’s about saving the UK’s equivalent of a rainforest and all its species from being lost forever, for our children and grandchildren to enjoy – and it’s about helping to improve the lives of hundreds of people every year,” said Trees for Life’s Executive Director Alan Watson Featherstone.

Success in the vote will allow Trees for Life to offer training in forest restoration to people from diverse backgrounds and those with limited access to healthy outdoor activities and training opportunities.

Disadvantaged people – including those on low incomes or who are unemployed – will be able learn about threatened habitats and species, and to gain health benefits from volunteering in green places.

Activities will include planting trees and wild flowers, collecting seeds for propagating rare species, and growing trees and plants in a tree nursery. The project will be accessible for older people and those with limited mobility or affected by mental health issues. Accredited training for leading volunteer groups will also be on offer.

The People’s Millions vote will be by phone all day on 28 November, from 9am to midnight, with a STV North programme broadcast that evening. The telephone number to call will be announced on the day, including on Up to 10 calls can be made from each phone, at a cost of 11p from a landline.

Dundreggan in Glen Moriston, Inverness-shire, has been described as a Highlands “lost world”. So far almost 70 priority species for conservation, including several species never recorded in the UK before, have been discovered there.

Trees for Life has planted more than one million trees at dozens of sites in the Highlands. It has pledged to establish one million more trees by planting and natural regeneration by 2018.

The People’s Millions is a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund and ITV. For more details, visit or call 0845 458 3505.

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Oct 212013

A Trees for Life volunteer plants a native tree in the Caledonian Forest

Scotland’s leading conservation volunteering charity Trees for Life has launched a new range of tree certificates through which people can celebrate special occasions or remember loved ones by helping to restore Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest.

Trees for Life will plant a dedicated native tree in the wild heart of the Scottish Highlands on behalf of each recipient of the new certificates – creating a forest that will benefit unique wildlife including red squirrels and pine martens, and which will be enjoyed by future generations for centuries to come.

“Having a tree or grove planted – and helping to ensure the return of one of Britain’s most remarkable areas of wild beauty – is a positive and thoughtful way to celebrate a birth or wedding, or to remember a loved one,” said Alan Watson Featherstone, Executive Director of Trees for Life.

“Every tree planted is a statement of care and concern for our planet, and will help us to breathe new life into the CaledonianForest. It shows that something can be done to tackle global problems such as deforestation, biodiversity loss and climate change.”

The climate and wildlife-friendly certificates include a choice of five designs – celebrations, in memory, births, weddings and general purpose – and personalised messages. The certificates are accompanied by information on the planting of the tree or trees, including directions for visiting. People dedicating two or more trees will receive an illustrated guide to the forest’s many fascinating species.

Although the Caledonian Forest once covered much of the Highlands, centuries of overgrazing and timber production have left this vital habitat – which supports species that are found nowhere else in the UK – in danger of being lost forever, with only small and isolated fragments of the original forest surviving.

However, Trees for Life has so far planted more than a million trees and has created 10,000 acres of new forest through the support of volunteers from all over the world. The award-winning charity’s Million More Trees campaign aims to establish a further million trees by planting and natural regeneration by 2018.

Each tree certificate costs £15 for the planting and dedication of one tree, with further trees costing £5 each. For details, see or call 0845 458 3505.

celebrate-text 707 x 1000

Trees for Life’s new general celebration certificate

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Sep 062013

pine1_leftWith thanks to Richard Bunting.

As Scotland’s Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Paul Wheelhouse, formally launches a consultation on whether Scotland should have a National Tree, the conservation charity Trees for Life has welcomed growing calls for the Scottish Government and Parliament to adopt the Scots pine.

The consultation on Scotland’s National Tree, requested by the Scottish Government, has been launched by Forestry Commission Scotland in Edinburgh.

Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“The growing campaign for the Scots pine to be proclaimed Scotland’s National Tree is inspiring. The Scots pine is one of the world’s most beautiful trees, a powerful symbol of Scotland and a keystone species of the Caledonian Forest, which in turn is one of the country’s greatest national treasures.

“Declaring this remarkable and important species as our national tree in 2013, the year of Natural Scotland, would send a much-needed signal of support for Scotland’s beleaguered forests, and would boost the development of a uniquely Scottish national identity. The Scots pine’s natural range in the UK distinguishes Scotland from the rest of the country.”

Over 70 countries around the world, from Canada to Denmark to South Africa, have National Trees that provide important symbols for their national identities.

The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is the largest and longest-lived tree in the CaledonianForest, and forms a ‘backbone’ in the forest ecosystem on which many other species depend.

The tree provides a home for special wildlife, including red squirrels, capercaillie, crossbills and crested tits. It offers ideal nesting sites for ospreys, shelter for deer and pine martens, and shade for twinflower, one-flowered wintergreen and blaeberries. The richly textured bark of a pine is a fantastic habitat for lichens, mosses and insects.

With increasing concerns about climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss, the need for concerted action to conserve and regenerate Scotland’s native woodlands is more important than ever before.

Today, only a fraction of the former CaledonianForest survives, with its native pinewoods reduced to 35 isolated remnants. However, Trees for Life is restoring the forest to a wilderness region of 1,000 square miles in the Highlands to the west of Loch Ness and Inverness.

The bid to address Scotland’s current lack of an official tree was begun by campaigner and Trees for Life supporter Alex Hamilton. MSPs began the process of potentially designating the Scots pine as one of Scotland’s official national symbols on the 8th January this year, when the Public Petitions Committee heard Mr Hamilton’s request that the Scottish Parliament urge the Scottish Government to proclaim the Scots pine as the National Tree of Scotland.

Alan Watson Featherstone accompanied Alex Hamilton at that committee meeting, adding Trees for Life’s support for the proposal.

Trees for Life is Scotland’s leading conservation volunteering charity. For details, see or call 0845 458 3505.


Scots pine, the only tree named after Scotland, is the most widely distributed conifer in the world, with a natural range that stretches from beyond the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia to southern Spain and from western Scotland to the Okhotsk Sea in eastern Siberia. Despite this wide distribution, the Scots pine forests in Scotland are unique and distinct from those elsewhere because of the absence of any other native conifers.

In good situations in mainland Europe, the Scots pine can grow to 120 feet in height. In most of the pinewood remnants in Scotland today, the largest trees are about 65 feet tall, with exceptional trees recorded up to 90 feet high. Maximum girth at breast height is usually up to 8 feet, although some trees up to 12 feet in girth have been recorded.

Scots pine usually lives to an age of 250-300 years in Scotland, although a tree in one of the western pinewood remnants was discovered to be over 520 years old.

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Aug 092013

Mike Shepherd examines social and economic changes which can been seen to have a wide reaching environmental impact from the rain forest of Borneo to the toads of Bishops Loch.

In May this year I returned from Borneo after working there for nine months.

I was living in a city slightly larger than Aberdeen, and although located in Malaysia, over half the inhabitants there are ethnic Chinese.

My hotel apartment was in the Chinese district and I found myself one of only a handful of westerners living there.

The Malaysian people pride themselves on their scrupulous racial tolerance and never at any time did I feel uncomfortable living among them.

I soon made several Chinese friends and found myself quickly immersed in their way of life. I’ve been told that the Chinese of Borneo have preserved more of their age-old culture than is the case on the Chinese mainland, where modernisation and globalisation are changing things rapidly.

I felt a lot like a modern age Marco Polo as I learnt with great interest about subjects such as Taoism, Feng Shui and numerology. My Malaysian Chinese friends were pragmatic, extremely business focussed, and yet the most superstitious people I’d ever come across.

One morning in Borneo, I woke up smelling wood smoke. I looked out from the 17th floor of the apartment block where I lived, and saw smoke billowing over the low ridges to the east of the city. Billowing smoke is a common sight in this part of the world, and is the result of scrubland being burnt off in preparation for the laying out of palm oil plantations, or land for crops.

The scrubland is what remains after tropical rain forest has been chopped down. The tropical forest is disappearing in Borneo: one estimate puts the rain forest cover at less than 50%. The tropical hard wood is sold to countries such as India, and it’s a highly profitable business.

The sight and smell of the wood smoke upset me greatly. It’s a sign of how the tropical rain forest is dwindling and it’s also a health hazard. The smoke is carcinogenic, yet none of the authorities would do anything to stop it from drifting over the city. A taxi driver told me that on occasions the smoke in the city would become so dense that it would be almost impossible to drive safely.

Singapore was similarly  affected in June this year.

On the day that I first smelled wood smoke, I mentioned this to my Chinese friends over a beer in the evening. I made some comment about how sad it was that we should have to tolerate the toxic smoke, in the full knowledge of the loss to humanity of such a valuable resource as the tropical rain forest.

Not only were our lungs being assaulted but the “lung” that provided oxygen to the world was being destroyed piecemeal.

The biodiversity catastrophe taking place would impoverish the whole of humanity and not just the people in Borneo.

These comments were received in stunned silence.

Then one of my friends spoke in an angry tone:

“YOU PEOPLE. How can you come here and say things like that?” 

I was immediately alarmed, a subject of extreme sensitivity had clearly been broached. Not only that, the vehemence of the reply was totally out of place in a culture where there is a taboo against displaying strong emotions in public.

What followed was an explanation of what had upset them so much and I write here the gist of what they said to me.

The logging industry and palm oil plantations are major sources of employment in the area, together with the oil industry and a little bit of tourism. There is no manufacturing industry in Borneo; it’s too far off the shipping lanes to have got caught up in the tiger economy of Southeast Asia. Jobs in logging and palm oil provide income for the locals.

The alternative is the poverty that is all too visible in parts of the city. Although Malaysia is relatively prosperous, you can still find illegal shanty towns or ‘kampungs’, which are typically where immigrants from Indonesia and the Philippines live. The week after I arrived, an epidemic of cholera had broken out in a kampung in the neighbouring city; a sign of the very poor sanitary conditions in these places.

My friends had told me on other occasions about poverty in Southeast Asia. For example, the poor of Indonesia sustain themselves with what they call “second-hand rice”. This is boiled rice left over from cafes and restaurants which is treated by being left to dry in the sun. The rice is then broken up and bagged, ready to be sold very cheaply to those who can’t even afford fresh rice.

perhaps both sides of the argument are perfectly reasonable

As we sat drinking Tiger Beer in the local Chinese café, they asked me “Would you want us to be that poor by denying us jobs?” The subject was quickly changed and we found something a lot more jolly to talk about. Social harmony is highly valued in that part of the world.

In the final analysis, most people reading this in Aberdeen, I would guess, will probably agree with me; whereas most people in Borneo would take the opposing view. My take on this is that perhaps both sides of the argument are perfectly reasonable. It’s an example of how you can frame two distinct and opposing statements that are both equally valid and show impeccable internal logic.

I would still strongly concur with what I said, and yet I would also agree with my Chinese friends. I wouldn’t want them to suffer the deprivations of Asian poverty. Not them, not anybody.

How do you solve this dilemma? The region of Borneo I was working in, Sarawak, has a population of only 2.4 million. This is less than half the population of Scotland, yet Sarawak covers a large area. Perhaps it might be possible to achieve a sustainable economy that would provide work for the local population and still preserve what is left of the tropical rain forest?

Alas, this was not a topic for serious conversation in the Chinese café, it was just too naïve a suggestion to make in that part of the world. Rich and powerful people are making big money out of logging and they couldn’t care less about the environment. The mentality of exploiting any resources you can, to make money, is at any rate embedded in the local way of life at all levels, and few see any problem with that.

The threat of ever-present poverty is a big driver for this attitude.  Borneo is a simple case history that shows that without international effort to achieve a sustainable solution for the world’s environmental problems, the situation will only carry on until everything is gone.

What’s happening in Borneo is a story that is being repeated all over the tropics and elsewhere in the world. Let’s not be too smug: closer to home, it’s not too difficult to find similar examples of catastrophic loss of biodiversity.

One example I know about comes from the Bishops Loch in Parkhill near Dyce. Bishops Loch is about 9 acres in area and is named after the now ruined Bishop’s Palace located on the north bank of the loch. The Palace, in reality a small house- sized building, was owned by the medieval Bishop of Aberdeen.

The loch used to be well known for its large population of toads which could be heard croaking on a summer’s evening.  However, the introduction of the oil industry inadvertently wiped out the entire toad population.

The toads would overwinter in Parkhill Wood, a behaviour that involved migrating from the loch and crossing the adjacent B997 road.

This was not that hazardous a trip in the 1960s, but when oil company offices and warehouses opened up in Dyce in the 1970s, the B997 became a much busier road. It was being used as a popular rat run to get from the Bridge of Don to Dyce. The toad population started to plummet as more and more were run over by cars during their winter migration across the road.

A local resident contacted the then Grampian Council at the end of the 1970s and asked for a tunnel to be built under the road as a means of preserving the toad population. This was not taken seriously. No doubt the council officials felt they had better things to spend ratepayers’ money on than an escape route for toads. Economics tends to win out over the environment most of the time.

The world is living an unsustainable ‘jam today, bread tomorrow’ way of life. Our current standard of living is at the expense of an indeterminate future.  Here in Scotland, our municipal authorities have a combined debt of £11 billion and it is increasing fast, year-on-year. Loading debt is the only way they can manage their budget obligations.

It will be an unwelcome legacy to our children and grandchildren, who will just have to cope with it if they can. Likewise, we are unsustainably exploiting the environment and for those of us who don’t eat second-hand rice, we are doing reasonably comfortably out of it so far.

The wild things are going fast, be it in Borneo or Bishops Loch. Academic biologists actively discuss the idea that we are currently heading for a man-made mass extinction event.

There are too many people in the world. Our planet has coped with 7 billion people on the planet so far, and the numbers are increasing fast. Four babies are being born every second: 200,000 additional people are being added to the world’s population every day.

Modern technology and transport have allowed humans to cope with these enormous numbers; they would be impossible otherwise.  As a species we are coping after a fashion, albeit with enormous stress on an environment that hasn’t quite collapsed totally, not yet anyway. However, we are on our way to eating everything that can be eaten and stripping everything else bare too.

The biodiversity catastrophe in the world today is very real and it could easily lead to human catastrophe as well. Without awareness of the issue, and concerted action, we could all share the fate of the toads in Bishops Loch.

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Jul 052013

With thanks to Trees For Life.

Conservation charity Trees for Life is holding a special Biodiversity Weekend at its acclaimed Dundreggan Conservation Estate in Glen Moriston on 13 and 14 July.
This event offers people the chance to explore this biodiversity hotspot and to discover the rare and wonderful wildlife of the Caledonian Forest in 2013, the Year of Natural Scotland.

The event is part of the British Ecological Society’s centenary Festival of Ecology and also celebrates five years of conservation action at Dundreggan, Trees for Life’s flagship forest restoration project which lies to the west of Loch Ness.

Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“The weekend will be an inspiring opportunity to get close to nature and to learn more about the Caledonian Forest and its wildlife. A full programme of activities will allow people to see first hand just how much is being achieved at Dundreggan thanks to the support of our volunteers and generous donors.”

On Saturday 13 July, invited guests will be able to visit to Trees for Life’s new tree nursery, tour a newly-planted native woodland at Allt Fearna, and plant their own tree.

From 10.30 am – 5.00 pm on Sunday 14 July, a free entry Biodiversity Open Day will include wild life tracking, a visit to montane woodlands and opportunities to feed wild boar. Guests will be able to explore Dundreggan from riverbank to mountaintop on guided nature walks, or simply enjoy the beautiful ancient woodlands.

Organisations including the SWT and Aigas Field Centre will be attending, and the day will also include the launch of the Mountain Woodland Project in partnership with Highland Birchwoods.

Dundreggan is gaining an international reputation for its remarkable biodiversity and has been described as a Highlands ‘lost world’. Surveys last year revealed eight species never recorded before in the UK, adding to many rare and endangered species recently discovered on the estate – some previously unknown in Scotland or feared extinct there.

At least 67 priority species for conservation and more than 2,800 species in total have now been identified on the 10,000-acre site.

Trees for Life is planting half a million trees on the estate as well as working for the return of rare woodland wildlife, plants and insects, restoring other natural habitats and conducting scientific research and education programmes.

The British Ecological Society, the UK’s academic learned society supporting the science of ecology, is supporting the event. During 2013, the society is celebrating its centenary with a series of events, conferences and publications to increase the profile of ecological science among scientists and the public.

Its Festival of Ecology, a nationwide celebration of ecological science with over 60 participating institutions across the UK, runs from 15 June – 4 August. For details see

Professor Georgina Mace FRS, British Ecological Society President said:

“We are delighted to be working with Trees for Life in celebrating our centenary year.This event is part of our Festival of Ecology through which we hope visitors will learn more about the science of ecology and how relevant and fascinating this science is to understanding the challenges we face in the world today.”

Trees for Life, Scotland’s leading conservation volunteering charity, is restoring the Caledonian Forest to a spectacular wilderness region of 1,000 square miles in the Highlands to the west of Loch Ness and Inverness. Only a fraction of the former forest now survives, but the award-winning charity has planted more than one million trees at dozens of locations, and has created 10,000 acres of new forest.

For details about the Biodiversity Weekend, contact Fiona Limbrey on 0845 458 3505 or email

Apr 152013

With thanks to Richard Bunting.

Conservation charity Trees for Life is running a new ‘Iconic Birds of the Highlands’ Conservation Week from 25 May to 1 June 2013.
The programme of events offers people the chance to see and learn about the area’s magnificent and rare bird species, and to take part in hands-on habitat restoration work.

Highlights include a day trip to the Isle of Skye to see white-tailed eagles, the UK’s largest bird of prey, and to discover more about the programme that has successfully reintroduced these stunning birds to Scotland’s west and east coasts.

World-famous ornithologist and raptor expert Roy Dennis of BBC Springwatch fame will lead a guided walk at the biodiversity hotspot of Dundreggan near Loch Ness, and will discuss his pioneering osprey and sea eagle projects.

A trip to the world-famous viewing site at Loch Garten will offer the opportunity of fabulous close-up views of nesting ospreys, while a day’s birding with a local expert will include the chance to spot species such as Scottish crossbills and crested tits. There will be an early morning trip to the RSPB’s Corrimony Nature Reserve near Glen Affric to see a spectacular black grouse lek, and a warden from RSPB Corrimony will offer insights into capercaillie and black grouse management.

Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“The week offers people the chance to see and learn more about the world-class birdlife that inhabits the Highlands, while taking direct conservation action to help restore the habitats of these remarkable species. It will be an inspiring and positive way to spend a week during the Year of Natural Scotland.”

In September 2013, Trees for Life will also run two Conservation Weeks at Corrimony, where the charity is working with the RSPB to restore CaledonianForest and wetland to an area of former conifer plantation. This activity is benefitting a wide range of native birds and other wildlife, and provides an opportunity to observe rare birds in their natural setting.

Trees for Life is Scotland’s leading conservation volunteering charity. Its award-winning Conservation Weeks allow people from varied backgrounds, abilities and experience to help restore the Caledonian Forest to a spectacular wilderness region of 1,000 square miles in the Highlands to the west of Loch Ness and Inverness.

Volunteers must be aged over 18 years old and have reasonable fitness. Weeks in the charity’s tree nursery offer a gentler option.

The ‘Iconic Birds of the Highlands’ week costs £250 or £180 for concessions, all inclusive. For more details, visit, or contact Becky on 01309 691444 or

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Apr 122013

A frequent visitor to Tullos Hill advised Aberdeen Voice that things had got even worse. Suzanne Kelly paid a visit to investigate, and returns with photos – and evidence pointing to littering by… the tree planters.

If you were one of the minority who were determined to wipe out the meadow and gorse habitat of Tullos Hill, ruining its insect, bee, butterfly and mammal populations in the process, no doubt you will be pleased at its condition.

It is almost completely denuded of plant and animal life, save for the protruding tree guards and tens of thousands of sapling trees.

On the other hand, if you loved the hill as it was, and expected to soon be in a vast field of dame’s violets and other wild flowers, and enjoy the older, established trees and wildlife, then this is a very black day.

The photos tell the story. 

Existing trees, haphazardly knocked over or crudely, fatally damaged.

Gorse was eradicated  from all but a few spots.

Hardly any wildflowers or green plant life is left  in evidence.

Dead plant matter everywhere, and of course the thin layer of topsoil reveals, almost everywhere you look, industrial and/or household rubbish going back decades.

The final contempt shown for the existing wildlife comes in the form of litter.  I discovered what were clearly boxes used to hold tree saplings scattered about a few locations.

A tree sapling which had been left in one of the boxes was bound at the root inside of a square of black plastic. Loose squares of plastic were under, inside, and scattered near the boxes.

It would have been considerate of whoever would have been the owner of this tree-planting litter to at the least take away their rubbish.

Plastic rubbish of this kind (as anyone with the slightest interest in the environment can tell you) poses a major hazard to wildlife on land and in the sea.

It seems the many awareness campaigns demonstrating how animals/fish/birds eat plastic and end up dying as a result were not part of the curriculum for our tree planters.

The crude chicken wire enclosure structure still – pretty much illegally – blocks visitors from a huge central swathe of the denuded hill.

Inside, more existing trees are now dead and dying, damaged by those in charge.

This enclosure should of course come down, as it is denying access on public land previously enjoyed historically by visitors, and under the Outdoor Access Code, there is no right for the Council to have closed this off in the first place.

Nearby at St Fitticks, the tree guards which have stood for years continue to stand, throwing doubts on the scapegoating of deer for their failure to grow.

Despite these guards being choked by weeds with no sign of progress over the years, Aberdeen City Council’s Freedom of Information office insists these trees are growing – just slowly.

Who precisely says they are growing should come forward.

My photographic evidence is now several years old, and shows veritably no growth at all for the vast majority of the St Fittick’s plantation,

The shocking ruts in the landscape caused by earthmoving equipment and vehicles, the weeds growing around tree guards, the apparent lack of concern for any of the wildflowers or life that depended on the plants and gorse has – won an award for this scheme.

Ian Tallboys, ranger and proponent of what was largely Aileen Malone’s scheme, implemented by £70,000+ consultant Chris Piper, was proud to accept the award. 

If anyone can claim to be proud of this scheme, there is something wrong with their environmental priorities.

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Mar 292013

Trees for Life’s creation of a Diamond Wood in Inverness-shire to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 has been recognised at a Buckingham Palace reception this week (27 March), hosted by HRH The Princess Royal. With thanks to Richard Bunting.

The event recognised the creation of 60 new Diamond Woods across the UK, each at least 60 acres in size, to symbolise the Queen’s 60-year reign.

As part of this tree planting campaign, Trees for Life planted a new 60-acre Jubilee woodland of native trees at its Dundreggan Estate, to the west of Loch Ness in Glen Moriston.

Two million trees have been planted across Scotland in a range of locations during this project, which was organised by The Woodland Trust.

Princess Anne planted the Jubilee Woods project’s six millionth tree in London yesterday.

Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“As part of a renewed CaledonianForest in the Highlands, our Diamond Wood at Dundreggan is a truly positive tribute to Her Majesty The Queen – one that will be enjoyed by future generations and will provide an important habitat for wildlife. The Jubilee Woods project is an inspiring example of how people can come together and make a real difference to our environment, and we’re proud to have been involved.”

Trees for Life was represented at Buckingham Palace by its Executive Director Alan Watson Featherstone; acclaimed wildlife cameraman and filmmaker Gordon Buchanan, who recently became a patron for the charity; Rosalind Grant-Robertson, who generously supported Tees for Life’s purchase of Dundreggan; and Steve Morris, Operations Manager for Dundreggan.

The conservation charity’s work at Dundreggan is part of its award-winning restoration of Scotland’s ancient CaledonianForest to a spectacular wilderness region of 1,000 square miles to the west of Loch Ness and Inverness.

Although only a fraction of the original forest survives, Trees for Life has now created almost 10,000 acres of new CaledonianForest at 45 different locations in the Highlands. It has planted more than one million trees, with a million more pledged for the next five years.

People can support Trees for Life’s work by purchasing dedicated trees to celebrate special occasions. The charity’s acclaimed volunteer Conservation Weeks and Conservation Days offer opportunities to gain practical conservation experience in spectacular surroundings. For details, see or call 0845 458 3505.

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Mar 212013

With thanks to Richard Bunting.

Conservation charity Trees for Life has welcomed the first United Nations International Day of Forests with a call for more people to get involved in helping to create a renaissance for Scotland’s beleaguered forests.

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed 21 March to be the International Day of Forests – a day to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees for all life on earth.

Across Scotland, forest restoration efforts are bringing new or renewed life to many ancient native woodlands, from Rassal Ashwood in Wester Ross to the Carrifran Wildwood in Dumfries and Galloway, and from the Loch Sunart Oakwoods in Lochaber to Abernethy and Glenfeshie in the Cairngorms National Park.

Yet with increasing concerns about climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss – as well as tree diseases such as ash dieback and Dothistroma Needle Blight, which is a potential threat to the iconic Scots pine – the need for concerted action to conserve and regenerate Scotland’s native woodlands is more important than ever before.

Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life’s Executive Director, said:

“There are signs of hope for woodlands throughout Scotland, but we urgently need more people to help make a difference now – the future of Scotland’s forests is literally in our hands. We are the last generation with the opportunity to save the CaledonianForest, for example, as many of the remnants of this Scottish equivalent of the rainforests are in terminal decline.

“Fortunately projects such as ours provide an inspiring and practical way for people from all walks of life to help make a personal and positive difference – to help restore natural wonders such as the CaledonianForest and to reverse the global trend of deforestation.”

 For 2013, the Year of Natural Scotland, Trees for Life is:

  • Working to double its rate of restoration work in the Caledonian Forest.
  • Running a Million More Trees campaign – an ambitious bid to establish a further million trees by planting and natural regeneration by 2017.
  • Expanding its acclaimed Conservation Weeks, offering more opportunities for people to make a personal contribution to the environment and to gain hands-on conservation experience. The weeks are being held in eight locations across the Highlands, in a longer season than ever before that has begun this week and runs until November.
  • Launching Wildlife Weeks for conservation volunteers who want to spend extra time learning about and observing the CaledonianForest’s remarkable wildlife.
  • Running fortnightly Conservation Days, for local people to take practical action.
  • Enabling disadvantaged volunteers from diverse backgrounds, including older people and those who are unemployed or on low incomes, to help directly in forest restoration work – an initiative made possible by a £45,900 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Following a long history of deforestation, some 150 years ago the Caledonian Forest reached a critical point of no return. Since then, with too few remaining trees and too many deer eating all the seedlings that germinate, young trees have struggled to get established. This has left ‘geriatric’ forests made up of old trees at the end of their lives, with no new ones growing to replace them.

Today, only a fraction of the former Caledonian Forest survives, with its native pinewoods reduced to 35 isolated remnants. However, Trees for Life is restoring the forest to a wilderness region of 1,000 square miles in the Highlands to the west of Loch Ness and Inverness.

Volunteers from the award-winning charity have helped to plant more than one million trees at dozens of locations, and to create 10,000 acres of new forest. Amongst these emerging forests, a complex web of life is renewing itself. Habitat restoration is making a big difference to the wildlife of the Caledonian Forest, which includes the strawberry spider, wood ants, red squirrels, rare sawflies, ospreys and capercaillies.

For more details, see or call 0845 458 3505.

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