Fred at Aberdeen Voice

Dec 172015

Xmas_mask__c__Duncan_HarleyBy Duncan Harley.

As support for Trump hits a new high, the discontents of Xmas are upon us. Dances with Santa under the mistletoe and brandy-laced puddings are on the cusp, as the traditional festival drops from on high.
Personally I have a particular hatred of Xmas.

Family fights and feuds blighted my enjoyment of the season to be joyful, and many a festive turkey witnessed huffy uncles sniffing at wicked aunties who had caused uproar by omitting to knit fitting pressies last year or the year before.

I prefer funerals to be honest. Amongst the eulogies and the wee burnt up sausage rolls there is a least a common theme of how to bury the dead.

When my children were young, Xmas had some attraction. Hiding the truth about Santa ranked with being wakened up at some god-forsaken hour to be told,

“Santa’s been, look what I got!”

The trashing of carefully wrapped presents ranked equally with the cleaning of chocolate covered faces prior to the granny visit. Happy faces all round usually led to cries of “When can we go home”, and the desperate playing of Monopoly. The only winners were Waddingtons.

The very best festive season I ever had was in Glasgow.

I’d read some of Charles Bukowski’s work prior to taking a seasonal job in the local sorting office … sic … it was Xmas nineteen-something-or-other and I was charged with sorting out postal packets in Dixon’s Blazes.

A former ironworks, the place was built by one William Dixon (1788-1859). In days long past the industrialist’s furnaces lit up the night sky on the south side of the River Clyde and earned the ironworks the nickname “Dixon’s Blazes”.

When the furnaces died down the Royal Mail set up a sorting office in the old red-bricked factory buildings.

After the job interview, I signed the Official Secrets Act. The exact detail escapes me to this day; but I remain convinced that the paperwork specified that I should not divulge state-secrets to any foreign power including Wales or St Kilda. It was the time of the Cold War and the postal authorities were decidedly edgy, and on the lookout for left-wing infiltrators.

Burnhervie_edited-1Despite the long hair, I must have come across as a nice young right-wing non-activist and the very next day, I began work as a sorter-out of the nation’s Xmas parcels.

In those far off days parcels were sorted out by chucking them into mailbags hung on metal posts and labelled by destination. My postal station had around 30 of these bags and featured towns such as Cambridge, Carnoustie and Coventry alongside Dundee, Dundonald and Dunkeld. The procedure was to stand well back, pick a parcel from the line and chuck it into the appropriate destination mailbag.

In those far-off days, only Aberdeen featured post-codes, and the Postal Authorities in Glasgow were a bit sniffy about the new technology.

Needless to say, my aim was poor and my knowledge of geography was even worse.

A man by the name of Dutch Hendry took me under his wing and informed me that the name of the game was smashing up the mail. A full-time sorting-office employee he had plenty of tips.

“Chuck it into the bags, who cares where the stuff’s meant for.”

“What about the children?”

“The children? Just smash the toys.”

Dutch was of course both permanently drunk and permanently childless. His only claim to being from Holland was his liking for Dutch courage.

During the night shift some other drunks drove a red ‘by Royal Appointment’ Post Office van through the sorting office doors and got suspended for 24 hours. No-one seemingly cared about the wrecked van. Things were desperate at the sorting office.

One colleague had been fired last year for sticking it in big time. He had met a supervisor in the canteen and beat him with a loaded mail bag. You just never know who you’re associating with. They took him on again. Unbelievable.

Anyway, in nineteen-something-or-other, we all felt privileged to be looking after the Royal Mail despite the obvious blemishes.

In his classic American bestseller “Post Office” Bukowski describes the delivering of mail as a menial job worthy only of low life absurdly governed and powerless drones.

“You got any mail for me?”

“How the F… ck should I know … I’m only the mailman.”

“You got any mail for me?”

“How the F… ck should I know … I’m only the mailman.”

“You got any mail for me?”

“Who the F…ck are you and why should I even care?”

“You got any mail for me?”

Bukowski throws you over the place. After all, he’s dead and even when he wasn’t he didn’t give a shi …………

Apologies to Post Office Workers everywhere … you do a great job folks!

Merry Xmas everyone … unless you’re a Donald.

Words and images © Duncan Harley

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Dec 172015
Befriend a Child photofeat

A volunteer befriender and a youngster enjoying some time together.

With thanks to Eoin Smith.

Aberdeen may have a reputation for being one of the wealthiest cities in Scotland but for many children the daily reality is a troubled family life with drug and alcohol misuse, physical abuse and neglect.

The charity Befriend A Child struggles to meet the demand for its service supporting underprivileged and vulnerable children living in the Granite City – but thanks to a windfall of £17,203 from Aberdeen Asset Management’s Charitable Foundation, it is now able to reach out to help more children in need.

Last year, the service supported over 300 children but with referrals coming from primary and secondary schools, medical practices, family centres and criminal justice system, in addition to social services, demand for places has shot up, stretching the charity’s financial capability and expanding its waiting list to more than 50 children.

After receiving the biggest single donation from Aberdeen Asset Management’s charity pot this year, an additional 32 children are benefiting from a one-to-one befriending relationship with an adult volunteer who will work with them over the course of a year to build positive childhood memories through a range of experiences.

Despite its image of affluence and wealth, statistics published in October show that 18% of children in Aberdeen are on the child poverty index. As a result of their living conditions and environment, these children often suffer from low self-esteem, behavioural problems, poor communication and social skills and statistically under-achieve academically.

Befriend A Child enables children, aged between 4 and 16, to benefit from a positive adult role model with whom they share activities in a safe and neutral environment to help build confidence and self-esteem. This also reduces social isolation as well as providing opportunities to develop new life skills and interests while reducing exposure to drug and alcohol misuse and domestic violence in the family home.

Volunteer befrienders meet with their matched child on a fortnightly basis and spend 3-4 hours at a time enjoying a wide range of activities based on the interests of the children, such as attending football matches, going for a walk along the beach, swimming or reading a book together.

Evaluation shows positive outcomes, with children in a befriending relationship gaining greater confidence and improved self-esteem through being given the opportunity to take part in childhood activities previously denied to them. This, in turn, helps them to fulfil their potential, letting them see the alternative lifestyle they can achieve.

Feedback from parents is positive too: 25% noted an increase in their child’s confidence; 53% said their child was happier and 56% said their child’s self-esteem had improved at the end of a year’s befriending.

This year, one former volunteer befriender was contacted by the young boy she had befriended over 20 years earlier and who is now a grown man. He got in touch with her by email to express his gratitude for her kindness, patience and warmth saying it had a positive impact on his life.

The man, now in his 30s, said:

“Things have changed slightly since we last met! I’m now in a steady job… working in the oil and gas sector and living in Bangkok at the moment. I just wanted to say thank you for the time you gave me from your own life. When I look back on my childhood, the most prominent memories are the times I spent with you. The swimming, baking in your apartment, your smile, kindness and good nature are still very memorable to me.

“I hope you’re doing well at your end and you’re living a very happy life. People like yourself are few and far (between), deserving the best life has to offer. Thank you for every second of your time, you helped shape me into the man I have become, and yet to become!”

Befriend A Child is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015 and the donation from Aberdeen Asset Management to support 32 new one-to-one befriending relationships for a year will cover the cost of outings, travel expenses and collecting children and taking them back home.

Lana Bambridge, resources and development manager for Befriend A Child said:

“This donation from the Aberdeen Asset Management Charitable Foundation will have a significant impact on children and young people across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire who are growing up in difficult circumstances and in need of a positive role model. As we strive to help these children realise their full potential in life, we are extremely grateful for this generous donation.”

Dominic Kite of Aberdeen Asset Management’s Charitable Foundation said:

“This is the biggest single donation awarded from our Charitable Foundation in 2015. It recognises the value of the work undertaken by Befriend A Child in Aberdeen and the surrounding area, and goes some way to helping the charity meet the continuing need to provide befriending support for an increasing number of children in the community who are referred to the service.”

The Aberdeen Asset Charitable Foundation seeks to give back to areas which are a key strategic focus of the business and to build on the historic pattern of giving to communities in which Aberdeen employees live and work. The Foundation seeks partnerships with smaller charities around the world, where funds can be seen to have a meaningful and measurable impact and the firm encourages its employees to use their time and skills to support its charitable projects.

Other Scottish projects to benefit from Aberdeen Asset Management’s Charitable Foundation in the past 12 months include:

Aberdeen and North-east Scotland – Cash For Kids Appeal to provide winter clothing for disadvantaged children in Aberdeen; The Teapot Trust’s open group art therapy for kids with chronic illness at the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital; Simeon Care Home for the Elderly towards the purchase of furnishings for its new care home; St Andrew’s Children’s Society in support of its work to find potential adoptive parents in the North-east and Rape And Abuse Support Aberdeen for a new support group for survivors of childhood rape and abuse.

Edinburgh – HopScotch which enabled disadvantaged young people living in Edinburgh the chance to go on inspiring and fun respite break in the Highlands;  the Lothian Autistic Society to support a fun and friendship project; The Open Door Edinburgh assisting those living with mental health problems and the elderly; Venture Scotland to help disadvantaged young people turn their lives around through its Journey Programme; YMCA Edinburgh in support of its PlusOne Mentoring programme for 8-14 year olds at risk of offending and The National Deaf Children’s Society to run a weekend get together for families of deaf children.

National – Medicinema cinema screenings at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow and Clan Childlaw Limited to help every young person in Scotland gain access to legal advice.

For more information visit

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Dec 142015

With thanks to Suzanne Kelly.

Suzanne Kelly fights her way through the hordes.

With over half a million signatures, the petition to ban Donald Trump from the UK for hate speech has become the fastest ever to qualify for debate in Parliament.
Suzanne Kelly was inspired largely by the events at Aberdeenshire’s Menie Estate, and how residents were treated when Trump began construction for a golf course there.

Now Kelly wants some positive action to fix long-running issues with planning permission and access.

When Donald Trump set out to create his Menie Estate golf complex, he had a huge impact on the environment and area residents. SSSI protection, the highest level of environmental protection there is, was taken from the UK’s only moving sand dune system and its fragile ecosystem. A giant bund of earth was put between Susan Munro’s cottage and her views across the landscape to the sea; this served no functional or desirable purpose.

This bund, well over head height and topped with dead and dying trees, apparently was not part of the agreed plan. Water was cut off to the Forbes’ farm, forcing the farmer and his family – including his elderly mother – to carry water from a nearby stream.

“Imagine hearing bulldozers outside your home, and finding your new neighbour has put an 8 foot high mound of sandy earth between you and your former views to the sea. Imaging campaigning for years and being ignored by your local planning department. How Susie put up with it I don’t know.” says Suzanne Kelly.

Various aspects of the built landscape were changed, in some cases apparently without prior permission from Aberdeenshire planning officials. Michael Forbes, who previously was able to cross the estate to the sea for salmon fishing, had his access blocked – and the police (who normally would not be involved in civil matters) – told him he would be arrested if he touched the new gate or its lock.

Border disputes both with Forbes and David Milne saw existing fencing torn down, and Trump’s people re-drawing the boundaries.

Boundary disputes should have been treated as civil matters, but police were on hand to support Trump, not those living on the land. Gorse seems to have been planted to deter walkers in places, and a huge gate blocking Leyton Farm Road to the Trump parking lot is locked shut, with access impossible for anyone who is infirm.

Efforts to get planning permission rules enforced or to get access rights upheld have fallen on deaf ears at Aberdeenshire’s planning offices, Kelly and residents say. Kelly and many others have written to the local authority for years without success.

Of the Shire’s inaction Kelly says:

“In other cases we have seen people who flaunt planning laws dealt with swiftly and decisively. You could be forgiven for thinking there is a two-tier planning and countryside access system, one for the wealthy, and one for the poor.”

“I’ve written to Trump’s people; I’ve written to the Shire and the government. I am going to ask them again now to re-think making good all of the things that have gone wrong on the estate. It’s my understanding that finally Michael Forbes repaired the damage done to his water supply by Trump’s construction crews – which had happened years ago.  

The film ‘you’ve been trumped’ shows – among other things – the Forbes family, including Molly, having to carry water from a stream for their bathing, tea-making, you name it. The water supply was restored, but was unreliable according to Forbes.”

Forbes was voted ‘Top Scot of the Year’ by the public at Glenfiddich’s Spirit of Scotland Awards in 2012, to Donald Trump’s chagrin. Trump then banned the drink from all his property – with the result that the sales for the prestige whisky surged throughout Scotland.

Kelly continues:

“If I can’t get the Trump organisation, Aberdeenshire planning and the central government to get things made right by asking them nicely now, then I think they will find that some 550,000 people might now also be emailing them to ask for the changes and improvements we want. If we can’t get some swift, decisive action after years of writing about the problems, then the next step will be a protest at Menie.

“Of course, this would be a peaceful, legal event.

“Let’s hope those who can make good at the Estate will do so. For starters, that bund of earth must be taken away – cleanly and without making more mess for Susie Munro. Michael Forbes should immediately be allowed to access the beach in the same way, with the same boats/nets/vehicles as he enjoyed for years before Trump arrived. I think we should hear something positive and see results starting within 10 days.

“If not, I hope everyone’s email servers are up for a wee onslaught of correspondence, and perhaps another March of Menie demonstration, as had been held in the past. I do think the next such march might be a very large affair indeed.”

Kelly has sent a detailed email to Trump, Aberdeenshire Planning, the head of Aberdeenshire Council, and copied it to Nicola Sturgeon.

On the subject of Robert Gordon University and Dr Kennedy, Kelly said:

“Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Robert Gordon University, has been in contact, and has made it plain Dr Kennedy’s degree stands, even though he had handed it back to protest the honour bestowed on Trump. I find this and the revocation of Trump’s degree cause for celebration.”

Kelly adds:

“Today I saw on Facebook an open letter BrewDog wrote to Trump. It’s every bit as witty, scathing, and delightful as you’d come to expect. I started buying BrewDog beer from the first days it was made here in Aberdeenshire; James Watt and Martin Dickie sold their first brews from a market stall at Aberdeen’s farmers’ market. I expected great things from them, but never the degree of success they’ve had. 

“It’s kind of how I feel about the strength of support for the Parliamentary Petition. BrewDog also have a slogan, ‘Without us, we are Nothing’ – very apt for this petition I’d say. I’m proud to be one of the over 10,000 shareholders of this ethical, local, successful company.

“Amusingly, the post is attracting a number of posters telling the brewers to shut up/stay out of politics – and the same people are defending Trump’s right to ‘free speech’. It’s more than a little ironic, don’t you think? I don’t remember people saying the same thing when the company gave Putin the ‘BrewDog treatment’ over his anti-gay stance.

“Hate speech is not the same as free speech. That’s why this law, banning over 80 people previously, exists. Hate speech doesn’t work on the rational person who reads many sources of news and makes up their own mind; it falls on the ears of the mob and inflames.

“Occupy Democrats reports a surge in violence against Muslims in the US. To me, there is more than a strong chance this could have been fomented by the hate pouring out of a TV personality/presidential candidate’s mouth. I wonder whether Trump feels any responsibility for that? In my book he should. For me all rights come with responsibilities.

“Are some terrorists claiming their actions are Islamic? Undoubtedly. Are all people following a particular faith to be ostracized? Not if there is the least little thing I can do to stop it.”

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Dec 142015

martin-fordWith thanks to Martin Ford.

The change in attutude towards Donald Trump by Scottish politicians from across the political spectrum is long overdue, according to two consistent opponents of Mr Trump.

Aberdeenshire councillors Martin Ford and Paul Johnston say it was obvious in 2006 that Mr Trump was not a suitable person to be appointed a ‘Global Scot’ business ambassador, and it was even more obvious in 2010 that Mr Trump was not a suitable recipient for an honorary degree from Robert Gordon University.

Former first minister Alex Salmond has joined the swelling ranks of politicians who once welcomed Donald Trump to Scotland but are now rushing to condemn the New York businessman in the strongest terms.

Mr Salmond has described Mr Trump’s remarks against Mexicans as ‘most certainly racist’ and Mr Trump’s comments about Muslims as ‘most certainly bigotry’.

Said Cllr Martin Ford:

“The really important point here is the broad consensus in opposition to the views, attitudes and values of Mr Trump. Racism and bigotry should have no place in our society.
“Mr Trump’s truly revolting behaviour as a presidential hopeful has seen him shunned by many organisations not wanting to be associated with his obnoxious views.
“I would dispute, however, that Mr Trump’s unpleasant attitudes are a recent development. On the contrary, they are a continuation of behaviours that were all too apparent long before Mr Trump showed any interest in embarking on a development here.
“No-one should ever have thought bringing Mr Trump to the north-east would be good for our reputation in the world. He was always going to be an embarrassment, not an asset.”
Cllr Paul Johnston said:

“Mr Trump and his golf course have been a divisive issue in the north-east for far too long. At last, it looks as though there is broad agreement; sooking up to Mr Trump was a terrible mistake.

“We need to learn lessons from this unfortunate episode. Next time a dubious billionaire comes round making ridiculous promises, I hope attitudes will be different.”

Meanwhile, the petition to bar Mr Trump from entering the UK has already been signed by more than 550,000 people.
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Dec 142015

Aberdeen survived the first true test of their comeback against quite a stout Hearts side, says Andrew Watson.

merkalndpic2As with the Ross County game, the pitch was surprisingly good for the time of year.

Again, it was a bit chilly, but not too bad.

Before kick-off there was a sizeable, interesting and colourful display, in the Dick Donald stand, of metallic red and silver.

Aberdeen had to repel a couple early advances from the Jambos, though managed to put the ball out of play.

Jonny Hayes then had a free kick claim denied near the corner. He then knocked a high ball into the box, only marginally inaccurate.

Kenny McLean suffered at the hands of a pedantic referee in Craig Thomson, after challenging for a header. He then missed the far post by inches.

Supporters were jubilant, thinking ‘goal’, but had to make do with a second chance via a corner.

The Tyncastle side, however, went on the counter attack. They, then, had a second chance with a corner.

After that, Graeme Shinnie caught an excellent pass but was defeated by the defender. That eventually went out for a corner.

Generally, there were then some poor balls from Aberdeen. There was just not enough height to them to meet their receiver. However, Hearts were seemingly first to every ball.  In the air, especially.

Hayes then came in with a cross come shot, and almost scored.

Willo Flood came in with some tough tackling to breakdown Hearts, but threw away advantage with a heavy touch upon nutmegging the opposition.

Hayes then won a free kick after being fouled. After that, he came in with a timely tackle to halt a counterattack.

Hearts’ Miguel Pallardo was then booked for checking Peter Pawlett. Not long after, they then received a subsequent warning which incensed the home crowd.

McLean, amidst all the physicality, wasn’t afraid to get dirty and slid to knock the ball into the box.

Defender Ashton Taylor then weighed in with a shot of fine power, but slightly lacking in accuracy.

Hayes, however, not long after came sliding in on the volley. Powerful but straight at keeper, Neil Alexander.

Flood was proving to be a workhorse, chasing the ball and very determined in the tackle, but his passing was wayward; backwards and sideways.

Subsequently, McLean was caught too busy looking for the foul in the box. He should’ve really played advantage and capitalised.

It also became apparent that Hearts couldn’t be beaten to the challenge in the air. Long balls, therefore, weren’t looking likely to work against them.

Again McLean was amidst it all, dashing down the wing. He was eventually stopped, but earned his side a free kick just outside the box. This was headed straight into the keeper’s arms.

Adam Rooney then pressed forward, but lost the impetus of his side’s attack. It went out, albeit it for a home side throw. Then, after that, the away side took the potential sting out of things when one of their own went down.

After all this hoopla, Shaleum Logan, whether shooting or crossing, put the ball on the roof of the net after that throw.

Alexander then came to the rescue of his side with an athletic save.

There was then one minute of additional play before the half ended.

Ryan Jack came on the pitch to replace Mark Reynolds after 45 minutes, just before kicking off the second half.

Things kicked off with Andrew Considine recovering a poor pass from Flood, with an expert sliding tackle.

There was another reasonable ball into the opposition’s box, but again Aberdeen were beaten by the height of the Hearts’ defence. The latter then cleared the ball off the line, after another attack.

The Edinburgh men then cracked the ball off the home side’s crossbar, and then got booked for a heavy challenge. This had the Red Army up in arms.

Aberdeen then had a chance glance from goal, with an almost successful cross. It didn’t quite make it, though.

Hearts remained resolute despite Aberdeen’s constant barrage of attacks. Alexander appeared to suffer the brunt of the onslaught, but managed to stay on the pitch.

There was then good linkup play between Rooney and Shinnie, but they were thwarted in the end.

The latter soon found himself off the pitch, but thankfully came back on.

The ball was then knocked over the bar for an Aberdeen corner.

Pawlett was felled, which resulted in a worrying Hearts counterattack. They were barely inches from scoring. Then a corner, then the ball was knocked off the line!

Hearts then accrued what would end up four yellow cards in the game, with Shinnie backed into after beating his man.

There then followed a period in which Hearts, for the first time since the opening stages, found their attacking feet.

Considine saved Aberdeen’s blushes, heading away a goalward cross. Danny Ward also rised, and caught, another attempt on his goal.

McInnes made his final substitute at 73 minutes, with Pawlett coming off for David Goodwillie.

Flood then found himself lucky not to be sent off, after coming in with a late lunge. He looked to have avoided the yellow, but that would’ve been totally unfair to the away side.

Up the other end of the pitch, too many touches were made in the opponent’s box. Goodwillie, in particular, was guilty of this.

A last gasp challenge was made, once they lost the ball, in their own box.  Luck would have it this sliding interception wasn’t considered penalty worthy.

The game began to get progressively more bad tempered as time wore on.

The Dons defence was really waning with the pressure.

It was near the death when Ward made an authoritive catch to ease things for his beleaguered back four.

His team then instigated, somehow, a penalty.

It was Adam Rooney who stepped up. He did, coolly slotting it away in the bottom corner. Alexander made it a photo finish.

1-0 after 87 minutes!

Hayes, after this, ran at the defence, earning Aberdeen a corner.

There was then two minutes of additional play before the game ended.

Hearts, with their last throw of the dice, blootered the ball nowhere near the goal. It was a fine defensive display by Hearts, but they were defeated with a lowly drilled penalty when they couldn’t be beaten with the long ball.

Final score:  1-0.

Dec 142015
CLAN chairman Kenny Anderson, CLAN chief executive Dr Colette Backwell, Lord Provost of Aberdeen George Adam and Dame Anne Begg

CLAN chair Kenny Anderson, CLAN chief exec Dr Colette Backwell, Lord Provost George Adam and Dame Anne Begg.

With thanks to Phil Moar, Account Manager, Citrus:Mix.

Generous individuals and businesses have come together to raise thousands of pounds at a leading north-east cancer support charity’s annual Christmas event.

Over £83,000 was raised at CLAN Cancer Support’s Christmas Cracker which was held on November 27 at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC).

The event, which was this year supported by TOTAL E&P UK Limited as main sponsor with Hydrasun on-board as diamond sponsor, is the charity’s biggest fundraiser of the year.

It saw guests treated to a three-course meal with a silent auction, tombola and a range of entertainment also taking place throughout the course of the evening.

Former STV News presenter Margaret Donald was guest speaker at the event whilst attendees also heard an update from last year’s guest Emily Findlay. Emily is currently continuing to receive treatment after being re-diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer affecting children and young people, in 2014.

The funds raised as a result of the evening will go towards CLAN’s provision of free support services to anyone affected by cancer across the north and north-east of Scotland.

Dr Colette Backwell, CLAN’s chief executive, said:

“Our Christmas Cracker event is a really important evening for all associated with CLAN and we were delighted with the continued support shown towards it, especially given the tough economic climate that is present here in the north-east.

“I’d like to thank both Margaret and Emily for giving up their time to share their experiences with cancer to attendees. Alongside the fundraising element, a big part of the event is raising awareness of CLAN’s service offering and both provide such inspiring stories that are both similar and unique in their own way.

“The support from the event’s key sponsors is also vital to the success of the evening and I’d like to express my gratitude to them for coming on-board this year. We are always blown away by the level of support shown by members of the public and the business community towards CLAN. It was a heart-warming evening and one that will remain with us for a very long time.”

CLAN Cancer Support is an independent charity which provides comfort support and information, free of charge, for anyone, of any age, affected by any type of cancer. CLAN aims to support people to reduce anxiety, stress and to increase their ability to cope with the effects of a serious illness.

Based in Aberdeen, the charity covers the whole of north-east Scotland, Moray, Orkney and Shetland. CLAN has a presence in Ballater, Banchory, Elgin, Inverurie, Fraserburgh, Peterhead, Stonehaven, Turriff, Kirkwall and Lerwick.

For further information about CLAN Cancer Support please call (01224) 647 000 or visit


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Dec 142015

An Aberdeen Nativity by Suzanne Kelly.

Author’s note: Due to some recent developments, it seems the audience for Aberdeen Voice has widened; this is very welcome.

Every year I write an irreverent satirical piece summing up some of the year’s local, occasionally national, issues. Most of this won’t make the blindest bit of sense to those outside our little hamlet; apologies to anyone who invests time reading this, only to wind up scratching their head at the end.

Before recent developments, I had started to write this piece. All previous pieces had steered clear of the religious element of the traditional Christmas story. There were pieces based on Dickens A Christmas Carol, Dr Seuss’ wonderful Grinch, and so on. I hope it doesn’t need to be said I don’t mock anyone’s belief – but I think I’d best go on record as saying such. The story of the Nativity seemed very apt to a country where penniless travellers in need have come seeking shelter; I hope that is clear.

I could have pulled the piece; I could have taken a safer slant for this satire. But as I am determined that recent developments should not change me or what I do, I’m going to keep doing the things I do. Thank you for bearing with me, and even if this won’t be the best piece of satire you’ve ever read (and it certainly won’t be), thank you for understanding the important role satire has in standing up for what’s right, and mocking what is wrong.

Happy holidays, whatever you celebrate.
– Suzanne.

#                                  #                                  #

Aberdeen21NativityAnd lo, forsooth, result! – It came to pass that travellers from afar came to Aberdeen, a man named Joseph and a woman, Mary.

Verily things were not so good in the region they had come from. This was not far from what is called The Holy Land, where things are even less great, but I digresseth.

The great Caledonian cheiftans had decreed every child would be given a Person Named who would beneficently look into every child’s thoughts and life – for their own good of course.

Mary was heavy with child, and as is of course a good thing, as soon as the couple reached Caledonia, a Person Named was assigned to them. As was the Person Named’s wont, he stayed with them, beneficially watching their every move.

Joseph had come to seek respite from famine and war, which of course were all his personal fault. Perhaps he would landeth one of the many thousands of jobs created in the Shire of the Deen by Caesar Augustus Trumpus Maximus Racist, whose great pleasure palace would be the envy of the civilised world. Placed on the world’s largest dunes of sand, verily the wealthy multitudes would come here for a game of golf and leisure, although it was leagues north of Hadrian’s Wall, in the frozen land of the Picts and Celts. But I digresseth again.

The Person Named had managed to secure a temporary hotel lodging for the homeless couple, a beddeth and breakfasteth which the taxpayer would pay for. Now the taxpayer waxed wroth, for verily they had already paid for a massive number of social homes – some 400 of these were ready for use, but were sitting empty.

Peterus Leonardus Ruminant Vermin-Slayer Totallus Incompetentus, the head of the city’s housing, had decreed it was too complicated to give these homes a good use, and anyway, he was far too busy ridding the city of its roe deer menace. He claimed that a roe deer caused one chariot accident every week. This may in part have been because Leonardus had destroyed every bit of meadow the poor creatures had, but again, I digresseth.

The hotel was, according to the brochure the Person Named had acquired, supposed to be an iconic, smart, forward-looking building breathing new life into the heart of Aberdeen.

However, when Joseph, Mary and the Person Named arrived at their hotel, alas! It was still under construction, although it should have been finished months ago. A giant scraper of the sky, towering over the other buildings in Aberdeen, including some dusty old relic called the Provost’s House – it could not house them. The Person Named exclaimed:

“Behold what mighty works there are here in Aberdeenland. Great towers of glass and concerete so great as to block out the sky and light! Result!”

Joseph whispered to Mary:

“I wonder that the city’s senators would allow such ugly carbuncles to be erected amid the pleasant Granite buildings and suspected some shekels had traded hands. This Square of the Marischal looks like our blighted homeland. What maniacs are these we find ourselves among I wonder?”

Mary, Joseph and the Person Named followed street signs pointing to the tourist board, but verily these all led back to the place where the iron horses sped along tracks of metal, well, the trains did work when the copper wiring had not been stripped away by the Vandals and Ostragoths, or unless the wrong types of leaves lay on the rails – but again I digresseth.

Eventually finding the tourist board office, despite all the signs pointing to either the railway station or a giant bazaar, they spoke with the tourist board staff.

“Och noo, there are nae hotel rooms available, the whole o Scotland’s come to see yon Christmas Village, you see. However, I could get you either a single room in Peterheid, or the Britannia still seems to have lots of space for some reason.”

Joseph was tired and aggrieved:

“Verily I would sooner take my chances in the Sunken Gardens of the Terrace of Union with its murderers, miscreants and n’eer do wells, and Buckfast drinkers than take my wife and the Person Named to the Britannia.”

So off they went.

#                                  #                                  #                                  #

“This is going on your permanent record” saideth the Person Named. Mary was sore afraid.

They headed to the outskirts of town, and found a stable filled with horses, cattle, chickens and sheep – you getteth the idea.

And what kind of a farm was this?

It was a charity farm, one which rescued all kinds of farm animals (no dogs or cats).

Joseph was intrigued. Addressing the farmer he asked her:

“Lo, by what means do you pay for all the food, vet bills, insurance and regular horse-shoeing the horses and ponies need?”

“We’re 100% dependent on the public for donations.” the lady farmer replied, “I don’t have a computer, but I put up ads on fundraising websites with lovely pictures of horses and ponies and sheep, and people send us donations for the animals we rescue.”

“Verily” said the Person Named, “I can see a picture here of a sheep, and another of four little ponies – mind, these ponies look very much like some that I’ve seen in a photograph of yonder Shetlands – ponies which need no rescue.”

“Well!” said the farmer “we are a working farm, and I never said we weren’t. It’s like this: we show photos of fluffy lambs because our supporters want to see them. Then we sell the lambs at auction to people who will probably turn them into lamb chops, but it is none of our business what happens to the animals we raise as a business to support our business, and well all of our supporters know we save animals by raising other animals to get killed, if you know what I mean.”

She continued proudly:

“Sometimes, as I don’t have a camera or a computer, I have to download pictures of other people’s animals, and I’m sure no one minds too much. Anyway, that’ll be £30 for the night. In advance.”

Neither Joseph, Mary or the Person Named were sure they understood this business model.

“Well, it’s still better than staying in the Britannia” Mary said.

All agreed, and began settling down for the night.

“Joseph honey, I think I’m going into labour” said Mary.

“You sure it’s not just indigestion from that all you can eat Chinese on Union Street our Mary?” he asked

“No, it’s the realeth deal”

“Shall we get you to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary then?” asked the Person Named

Joseph and Mary looked at their clip-board bearing travel companion (who refused to give them their name as it happened) and exchanged a look.

“You mean that place where the cleaning staff, nurses and doctors are all on a pittance and toil all day and night, where germs have run rampant, where junior doctors are exhausted, and the ER is crammed on a weekend with people who have had too much wine and mead?” – Joseph was aghast.

“Well, that’s where we’re going, I’ll just call for an ambulance and call to let the midwives know we’re on the way. Then I’m going to find you two immigrants some permanent accommodation and some work. The council will have your home and work straightened out in no time.” said the Person Named.

Joseph and Mary again looked at each other and shook their heads.

#                                  #                                  #                                  #

Meaneth while, some shepherds were out in one of the few fields left, counting their sheep.

“It’s nae use Murray,” Shepherd A spake “Fit wi so many ear tags on each animal nowadays they can barely keep their head up.”

“Agreed,” saideth Shepherd B. “And god help you if your sheep should lose a tag; that’s you stuck with an unsellable sheep, and about a week’s worth of paperwork, and a hefty bill. Things ain’t what they used to be.”

“Perhaps we could do liketh those farmers up the road do, and start also keeping some animals, you know, and saying we’re rescuing them. We’ll still sell our sheep at market, but we’ll tell everyone how kind and loving we are, and we’ll tell them we’re saving farm animals.” Shepherd A was proud of this plan.

“Ach, you’ve been smoking that funny stuff they sell on the Q T down at the farm have ye?” Shepherd B said. “Still, if it turneth a quid, let’s put our heads together and go fer it.”

Just at this moment the heavens lit up.

“Heck’s this?” asked Shepherd A “Aurora Borealis was nae forecast on my Facebook feed tonight.”

Shepherd B said:

“Must be one of those funny light projection things that the city think are so clever and forward looking. They shine a pink or blue light on a tree trunk or on a building, and think they’re Manhattan or London.”

Just then, an angel descended from the heavens, flapping its wings. it spake unto the shepherds:

“Do not be afraid.”

“Am nae bothered me,” said Shepherd B

“Not fashed either; what’s up?” said A.

Somewhat flustered at the unanticipated interruption and lack of awe the pair of shepherds displayed, the angel continued:

“I shall starteth over: Do not be afraid, for I bring you glad tidings of great joy.”

“Oooh, are we getting a new shopping mall?” Asked Shepherd B, rubbing his hands together “We need more cheap goods from other parts of the empire, madeth by the slaves so that we need not spendeth all our pounds and drachma on UK made goods.”

“I know!” Shouted Shepherd A, “It’s a Krispy Kreme Donut shop! I heard on Twitter that we’re getting one in the Empire Square mall. I don’t half fancy a few dozen of those chocolate ones.”

The frustrated angel, his wings flapping furiously as he hovered over the shepherds, flew flusterdly.

“Hey mate, you have a permit for this? All drones have to obey FAA commands.” Said Shepherd A

“It’s not a drone, stupid. It’s what you call one of those genetically modified chickens. Let’s have him and get some tags on those wings.” Shepherd B said

The angel waxed wroth. He pointed at a nearby boulder and it exploded.

“Pretty sure you need a permit for that.” muttered Shepherd A.

“Right. Let’s try this again.” the Angel started. “Do not be afraid, for I bring you glad tidings of great joy. Behold, a child is born tonight in a manger; he will be king of kings. His parents have travelled from afar for this miracle of birth.”

“You what?” said Shepherd B. “Last thing we need are more immigrants round here. That’s more competition for jobs, innit?”

Shepherd A was not impressed.

“King of kings? Look mate, we’re trying to get rid of the monarchy. What did the monarchs ever do for us? Except Robert the Bruce of course; he gave us common good land, foreseeing a day when we’d want to turn it over to private hands to build a granite web on.”

“Right, when you said ‘glad tidings of great joy’ I thought you at least meant a peripheral ring road, more housing in the greenbelt, or jobs creation. I hoped that maybe we’d finally get that granite web everyone wants. Jeez.” Shephderd B was sore disappointed.

Shepherd A waived his hands and arms as if to shoo the Angel away.

“Bugger off, you, and take any foreigners with you.” 

The Angel, now veritably incandescent with rage, pointed his arm at the ground by the shepherds, and a vast chasm filled with fire and brimstone opened at their feet. Out popped three people in pinstripe suits armed with mobile phones and clipboards. A mountain of paperwork and forms appeared from the firey depths as well.

“I’m Smith from DEFRA, this is Higgins from EU Agriculture and Rural Development, this is your MEP, and there’s more coming. What’s this about one of your lambs missing one of its ear tags??”

Smith thrust a bale of forms at Shepherd A.

“We’ll start with this. Our call-out fee is £10,000, which we’ll take out of next year’s farm subsidy.”

The Angel said to Shepherd B:

“If you don’t want the same, go and get the three Wise Men, and tell them to get to the barn the star hangs over, and go greet the newborn king.”

“OK OK, whatever; don’t get in a flap” Said Shepherd B, and he was off.

Shepherd A was aghast:

“But we’ve not received this year’s subsidy yet!” 

Turning to the Angel, he said:

“Couldn’t you have just turned me into a pillar of salt or something instead?”

But the Angel was gone.

#                                              #                                              #                                              #

The Person Named had called a cab, and had gone off to a five star restaurant/hotel which he’d found on Trippeth Advisor. The cab took winding roads until gigantic signs proclaimed his arrival at ‘Trumpus Maximus Scota Golfus’. He figured he’d make some calls about Joseph and Mary, have a nice steak dinner and in the morning play a round of golf.

Of course, the grateful taxpayer would be happy to pay for the costs of a Person Named, and only the best would do. Making some calls from the club house of this magnificent resort, with its giant sundials and Trumpus crested furniture, he’d sorteth out the work and housing for this couple. The ambulance had never arrived though he waited hours, and then somehow Mary and Joseph didn’t seem to be around anyway.

“If only I could find some kind of jobs for these immigrants.” the Person named sighed aloud into his third martini.

“Hi there – did you say you need to find some housing and work for some immigrants? Well look no further!”

The speaker was a woman with giant hair, giant heels, and a lovely lovely face.

“We are building staff accommodation and I’m sure we can find them some work cleaning rooms and dishes. Shall we talk?” 

Verily, it was Sarah Malonia Bates Majora, Face of Aberdeen, Spokeswoman of Trumpus. The Person Named bowed before her.

And thus another successful outcome for the Person Named scheme came to be.

#                                              #                                              #                                              #

Shepherd B arrived at the mighty palace of Marischal College. Rushing to the head of the queue at Reception, he was jostled and jeered by those in line.

“Right.” he said breathlessly to the jaded receptionist,

“I’m looking for Three Wise Men”

“Are you sure you’re in the right place?” the receptionist asked.

“Well, for openers, there’s ACSEF.”

“No, not wiseguys, Wise MEN.” the Shepherd said. “Besides it’s ONE now, not ACSEF. It’s a whole different thing!”

“Sure it is, sure it is,” The receptionist laughed,

“A public/private quango paid for partly by taxes, headed by Sir Ian Wood and Jennifer Claw’s involved, and they want to build stuff in Union Terrace Gardens.  Yeah. completely different. Anyway, what do you want wise men for, and where do you expect to find them around here?”

“A baby’s been born that will be king of kings and straighten everything out!” cried the Shepherd,

“And an angel flew down from heaven and told me to get the word around, and find the wise men.”

“NEXT!” said the receptionist, and the shepherd was jostled along out of the line.

#                                  #                                  #                                  #

In the meaneth time, Mary had had her baby right there in the manger, and couldn’t be moved now. She thought the farmer was trying to take snaps of the babe in the manger, and would have sworn the farmer whispered:

“wait til I get this on Go Fundeth Me! I’ll be sheckels in!”

And lo, similar stories were being played out in Gaul, in Brittania, in the very Roman Empire too.

Tired, worn out people were fleeing the four horsemen: Famine had come to the formerly Fertile Crescent, wreaking havoc. He was followed closely by Plague, as the fleeing refugees spilled out from the now barren land. They streamed to their country’s cities where War had been waiting to meet them. As they fled from Famine, Plague and War, many fled straight into the arms of Death, who had also been waiting.

Those who escaped Death were a diverse band. The hugest part were simply people trying to stay alive and keep their wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and children alive. They did what you or I would do.  Their options were few, and Death waited everywhere.

A tiny fraction of the people on the move were the very agents of War and Death, who decided that rather than solving problems they would make more problems.

And a smaller number still are the ones who one day will, we hope, try to solve problems with peace, intelligence, kindness, and maybe even Love, who it is rumoured is making something of a comeback.

Mary slept; Joseph kept watch, and the baby smiled in its sleep.

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Dec 112015

MartinFordatUTGWith thanks to Martin Ford.

Aberdeenshire councillor Martin Ford has welcomed the massive public support for the petition to block Donald J. Trump from entering the UK. Around 490,000 people had supported the petition by 23.00 on 10 December – making it the largest ever UK-government hosted
The petition was initiated by Aberdeen resident Suzanne Kelly.

Mr Trump’s recent remarks about Muslims are a potential breach of hate-speech laws, but are certainly highly prejudiced and have caused great offence.

Cllr Martin Ford said:

“The enormous public support for the petition to ban Mr Trump from the UK is a clear demonstration of just how many people see his recent comments as wholly unacceptable. While Mr Trump is routinely rude and grossly offensive, some of his election speeches have crossed the line into incitement of bigotry and racism. And though it seems unlikely, this is a man who could become leader of the world’s most powerful nation.”

Cllr Ford is the councillor whose casting vote saw Aberdeenshire Council decide to refuse planning permission for Donald Trump’s proposed golf resort at Menie in 2007. Councillors supportive of Mr Trump then removed Cllr Ford from his position of chair of the Council’s Infrastructure Services Committee 13 days later.

Cllr Ford said:

“Mr Trump’s recent comments have, rightly, attracted strong criticism from all sides. It’s now hard to find anyone who admits to supporting him.

“Clearly, times have changed. Even local North-east politicians, who would previously never criticise Mr Trump, have stopped backing him.”

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Dec 112015

Bay of Nigg Mark MairThe Battle for the Bay of Nigg Committee have issued the following statement.

We would like to respond to the following paragraph from Page 46 in Aberdeen Harbour Board’s Pre Application Consultation Report (as submitted with their application to Marine Scotland):

“It is also clear that there is a small but reasonably well organised campaign who oppose the AHEP in principle. This campaign is relatively recent, having been silent during the many years of previous engagement.”

We presume that the “reasonably well organised campaign” refers to us, the Battle for the Bay of Nigg Committee. We were silent as the true scale and nature of this development was not fully apparent to us until the summer of 2015.

The widely-circulated illustrations of the harbour development are unrealistic according not only to ourselves but also to Aberdeen City Council planning officials (see recent article in Aberdeen Evening Express). Many members of the Bay of Nigg Group have attended the public consultation events, such as harbour board presentations at Community Council meetings, but there was a noticeable lack of detail in the plans which appeared rather fluid and “high level”.

For example at the Torry Community Council meeting in August 2015, when the Harbour Board was present, it seemed to surprise many Community Councillors that Greyhope Road was to be closed (temporarily for 18 months) during construction. We did not have ready access to the full facts and figures of this development until early November 2015 when the statutory 42-day consultation window opened.

Only then was the full Environmental Impact Assessment and planning documentation released to the public and we realised the extent of the harbour board’s plans.

The harbour board were invited to a debate on SHMU FM Current Affairs Show on 4 December, but declined, sending a brief statement instead. At the October 2015 Torry Community Council meeting, it was recommended by the Chair that a public meeting be held so that a full debate on the development could be discussed in depth, and the harbour board appeared to agree with this at first, however they have now decided to withdraw.

All we want is for the people of Torry to be fully informed of the scale and impact of this proposal so that they can make an educated choice. Surely for a development valued at £320 million that’s not too much to ask?

The Battle for the Bay of Nigg Committee is a group of Torry residents trying to save our Bay from this disproportionate development. We have no specialised knowledge or qualifications.

We are ordinary citizens trying to make our voices heard by Aberdeen Harbour Board, Marine Scotland, Transport Scotland, Aberdeen City Council and the Scottish Government. Our Facebook pages have already attracted a following of almost 700 people, predominantly residents of Torry. For further information, please contact us at

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Dec 112015

The usual satire is suspended temporarily for a look at some of the comments Aberdeen Voice has had about some petitions. By Suzanne Kelly.

Suzanne Kelly1Two days ago a petition went live to ban Trump from the UK for hate speech; 5 days before that, a petition to revoke Donald Trump’s honorary degree from RGU was started. I had hoped both petitions might get a little attention. They did.

That they exist is down to many factors; groups like Tripping up Trump, organisations like 38 Degrees, which created, promoted, supported the RGU petition. People like the Menie Estate residents and their experiences are never very far from my thoughts.

The celebrity George Takei (aka Sulu) had written a piece on how he’d never allow a situation like the WWII Japanese internment camps to arise again, and it was very moving.

Lots of protest songs, lots of protest art, and lots of individuals out there fighting their corners with their own petitions across every social ill there is.

I knew I’d have people agree with me; I knew people would condemn me. But I never, never thought RGU would revoke the degree so swiftly; I never thought 75,000 people would ask them to do so.

Not for a second did I think getting 100,000 people to take the time and trouble to sign and then confirm their signatures on the UK ban petition would be easy.

It reached that level within 24 hours of the petition being live, and as I’m writing, over a quarter of a million people want Donald Trump banned for hate speech. This is a huge goal for unity against racism and prejudice, whatever happens. If I could buy every signatory a BrewDog, then I would.

As to people condemning me, Britain First have a pro Donald Trump petition; and plenty of people are sending me / 38 Degrees comments against what’s happened.

Perhaps you’d like to see some of these comments, both good and bad. I’d love to do the usual satire about the Council, I’d love to praise the beauty of the Marischal Square project or the success of the Tree for Every Citizen scheme in establishing a beautiful forest on Tullos Hill. But that will have to wait. I’ve done over 20 phone/tv/radio interviews, and have one at 11:45 tonight.

Normal service will have to resume when things go quieter. For now, enjoy some of the many comments Aberdeen Voice and I have recieved.

The Good:

It was interesting to see how many people from other countries wish they could have signed the petitions.  As Steve Duncan put it:

“I was made aware of your petition to bar Donald Trump from traveling to Great Britain. As a U.S. citizen I’m filled with shame he represents our nation on the national stage in any fashion. I wish there was a way to include non-British signatories to your petition, as a way of impressing upon your Parliment the widespread consternation with Trump’s deplorable policy suggestions and opinions.

“Have you thought of offering an U.S. version of your petition, sort of an addendum to your efforts? Put that petition up in The States and I’ll venture a few hundred thousand would sign on. I certainly don’t want him sullying your grounds.”

The Bad

Boniface wrote the following; I am trying to figure out if they are better at satire than I’ll ever be, or if they’ve got a point:


You’ve got to respect the use of the capitals; I might not have taken notice of this one otherwise.

The Ugly:

A facebook message reads:

Jamie Moss

“Your just such a typical fucking gobby Middle class British woman who doesn’t like what someone says, about Banning Muslims, if u fully listen to what trump says, it’s to ban them until the visa situation is sorted out so we’re not letting fucking terrorists in, or is that what u want to do? Let “Refugees” into America without knowing who they are, you should just consider yourself a terrorist for that ???? typical middle class women”

– Alas Jamie!  You seem to have missed 99% of the other things Trump’s said in the past, and you are slightly misguided:  the petition came out before the anti-Muslim quote was even made. But full points on one score; yes, I’m a completely typical middle class woman.  If you say so.

A Mr A Dore has this to say. Alas! Like Jamie above, he doesn’t seem to know I am US born.

“Ms Kelly

How dare you interfere with our US politics and how dare you start a petition to refuse entry of D J Trump into the UK. You should mind your own business and realize the treats to your own homeland. My family fought the Muslim hoard in the third Crusade with Richard I and my antecedent Stephan de Longchamp routed Saladin. You seem to forget Islam has sought our Christian and Judaeo destruction for 1,400 years.

“Putin is considering using ICBMs against ISIS which will define exactly what Trump has declared when he put down the gauntlet against Islam. Please retract your stupid Nanny petition and go back to crochet.”

Personally, I’d love to have more time to crochet, sew and paint, but that will come later.

A succinct comment from Wayne M:

“Kelly is a moron,”

… and:

“Fuck that bitch Kelly.”

– Ah Wayne, it’s been said before. It’s this kind of structured, intellectual debate that makes writing worth it. Your mum must be very proud indeed.

Someone calling themselves George Bush from Bush City writes:-

“trunp is human and scared just like the rest of you of ISIS so block them from entering any country. Islam is not a christian view religion. duh..!” 

– Well, you learn something new every day.

A Ms Josephine Hawk writes:

“Soon to begin – a petition to ban the bitch Suzanne Kelly from the U.S. What happened in Paris and San Bernadino will be coming soon to neighborhood near you if the Muslims have anything to say about it. Remember when they burned cars by the hundreds in France. How is that assimilation working out for you in the U.K.?

“On a recent trip to Britain, I can’t count how many people said that the “country is not theirs anymore”. All you have to do is go to Heathrow to see that. Some of you politically correct mother fuckers need to wake up before it is too late for you.” 

– When I find that petition to ban me from the US, I’ll share the link. Did the rest of you know that Heathrow has international people moving through it? I should have been told.

Louis Friend wrote:

“So it’s only freedom of speech when it’s the type of speech you deem to be correct? At the end of the day more people didn’t sign the petition than did. I can’t help but feel there is a vindictive element to this petition, you didn’t stop his “ecological disaster” of a golf course so we will have our round two with this petition. There are actual hate preachers in this country who publicly call for the destruction of Britain.

“Where is you petition for them to be deported and banned? Seems that a rich white male oh and American makes an easier target for the socialist left leaning lunatics. I don’t agree with what Trump said, but I agree that he has a right to say what he thinks If you don’t like it?…change the channel.”

– Yes Louis, I should have given up when I didn’t win the environmental battle, because if at first you don’t win, give up. Free speech is of course the same as saying anyone can say anything they like, whether it incites violence and hatred. Thanks – had thought there was some kind of difference. But some of us socialist left-leaning lunatics are actually American. And white.

And for the record I’ve objected to hate speech wherever it comes from. I should just admit I didn’t save the sand dunes and the Menie environment, sit back and do nothing as someone filled with prejudice gets celebrated with degrees and honours, and who wants to have their finger on the button. Seems a good plan.

The legal expert:

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

And there you have it, a rich vein of responses. Finally here are one or two I’ll fondly remember:

The humourist:

“Rather than bar him from entering Great Britain, perhaps you could admit him and then immediately send him in exile to one of those tiny little rocky islands far off the coast of Scotland, the ones that are only like twenty by twenty feet or so. Drop food for him every few weeks, but that’s it. He’ll have to stay on his tiny island until he apologizes.

“Please, Britain, you are our ally. Couldn’t you take him off our hands for us here across the pond? The great majority of we Americans do not want Adolph — er I mean Donald over here any longer”

The Kind:

Umm Arif on Facebook wrote:

“Just wanted to say … Thank You and my God bless you. A [A Human, A British, A tax payer (pay 20K+ tax per year and proud of it) / A Muslim] from London.  Have a great day!”  

– some of the slightly intolerant might want to mull this one over.

Clem Smith on Facebook wrote:

“Oh, man. I just read about the petition you started to keep Trump from entering the UK. I have to say I am so happy to see that! I’m from the US and he is not well-liked here, either. I love that you started that petition! I so hope it is successful! (And I hope you see this message so you know he is not representative of most Americans. In fact, he makes me wish I could move … out of America.)”

Finally, I thought this was very sweet; I leave you with one more from Jane Doe. I knew I’d get abuse; that’s what happens to people who stick their head above the trench. If I get any that is in any way rational, I’ll let you know. I wish there were space for all the many kind words I’m getting. Maybe later.

“Please tell Suzanne Kelly THANK YOU from all rationale, compassionate, emotionally mature, mentally stable, humane Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Green Party members, etc. etc. in the USA that we completely agree with her, are truly appreciative of her petition, would sign it if we lived in the UK, are appalled beyond belief at the utter audacity of Mr. Trump, and view him only as a shameful representation of a dangerous, bigoted, narrow minded sector of our country now given a powerful voice on an international platform.

“While some fear what will unfold during the course of his now violent campaign activities, we now know we have active partners who also see the urgency around condemning and controlling his outrageous behavior.”

Next week – a return to the usual Old Susannah satirical column, unless I’ve been deported, hung, drawn and/or quartered.

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