Bob Smith.
Noo a hunner business billies
Faa support City Gairdens Trust
Tae destroy Union Terrace Gairdens
They aa think iss is a must
They’re aa the usual suspects
Faa stan tae mak a killin
An ding doon ony cooncillor
Faa disna show ony willin
Ye hiv the likes o Martin Gilbert
Twa Stewarties, Milne an Spence
An woe betide ony business chiel
Faa micht sit upon the fence
A letter tae oor toon council
Wis sint wingin on its wye
If ye vote agin the plans
We micht hing ye oot tae dry
Think o the bigger picter here
Is their affa mournfu plea
An Sir Ian he’ll jist waak awa
If oor biddin ye dinna dee
Their PR machine is gearin up
Wi helpfu freens at the P&J
Faa canna say onything naistie
Advertisin revenue cums intae play
Fit richt hiv aa thae buggers
Tae tell us fit’s best fer oor toon?
An try tae dictate tae oor council
Fit they can or canna vote doon
We wull sin fin oot fit’s fit
The cooncil’s back is tae the wa
Can they haud faist agin the critics
An a hunner “snipers” an aa an aa?
© Bob Smith “The PoetryMannie” 2012