Aug 272010

By Grace Banks.

On 13 August, Sunnybank Park was invaded by twelve of global software company Paradigm’s staff armed with chainsaws, strimmers and other maintenance equipment to attack the park’s overgrown state. Andy and Suzy, active supporters from Powis Gardeners came along to be the group’s guide and show them what was to be done.

They arrived at 9.30am and some stayed till 5.00pm – they just did not want to go home!
Andy was shown how to use his petrol mower and cut the bowling greens. Others strimmed and weeded all the drive entrance and the hedging. They dismantled and cleared broken benches and removed all the timber – to feed a wood-burning stove – as well as clearing other parts and cutting a path for dog walkers through the tangled grass.

when we arrived we were surprised by its beauty and peaceful setting

Paradigm’s Global Sales Director Robert Innes said, “Paradigm acknowledges its social responsibilities and encourages its staff to support local community projects. We first heard about the volunteering work at Sunnybank Park via Aberdeen Voice and with green space in Aberdeen under threat of closure or development we felt that it was a worthy cause to support.

“None of us had visited the Park before but when we arrived we were surprised by its beauty and peaceful setting but disappointed that it had been left to run down by its current owners.

“We hope our efforts will encourage other like-minded companies to give up a small amount of their time to make a big impact for the local community.”

Of Paradigm, Andy said, “A fantastic bunch of people who have done a power of work and so enthusiastic!”

A huge thanks from the friends of Sunnybank Park to all from Paradigm who participated and to Andy and Suzy for their ongoing support.

If any other company fancies getting their sleeves rolled up, there is plenty more to be done!


Aug 202010

By Dave Guthrie.

Great, gallus, glaikit, glutt’nous beastie
Man wisnae pit on earth tae feed ye,
Nor wake tae hear yer raucous screechin,
afore day’s brakkin.

I unnerstan yer satisfaction,
yer honest, natural reaction,
that bin-bags are a great attraction,
tae easy snackin, Continue reading »

Aug 202010

By Fred Wilkinson.

A new red light district is to be established on the outskirts of the city!
Aberdeen Football Club, last week, lodged a planning application for the proposed new community stadium to be situated to the north of Loirston Loch.

Along with some impressive computer generated images of the new facility comes the announcement that lighting will be installed to give the stadium a red glow at night. The club’s official colour of course, as oft witnessed on the faces of embarrassed fans. Continue reading »

Aug 062010

Aberdeen Forward…Aberdeen Forward…Aberdeen Forward…Aberdeen Forward

The people of the Huntly area might want to visit Huntly Farmers’ Market on Saturday 7th August to speak to the Zero Waste Volunteers on the Aberdeen Forward stall where there will be advice offered on where to purchase discounted compost bins and what to put in them. They can advise on how to get the green/brown mix right, so that you don’t end up with a smelly, slimy mess. Continue reading »

Jul 022010

Eence, oor prood forefaithers
Raised their kilts on the battlefield
Defendin’ oor land fae thievin’ hands
Wi’ a big sword an’ a shield
A tradition upheld yet tae this day
In the Shire and Aiberdeen
Yet the Cooncil’s swapped the Claymore
For a tub o’ Vaseline.

Continue reading »