With thanks to Yvette Rayner, PR Account Manager, Frasermedia.

L-R, Paul Whitecross, Nick Nairn and Ross Spence.
Three of Scotland’s finest chefs are teaming up to share their passion for food in a unique culinary experience, which is set to be a recipe for success for Aberdeen.
Nick Nairn, Ross Spence, executive chef at The Marcliffe Hotel & Spa and Paul Whitecross, executive chef at Trump International, will each present an individual course aimed at delighting the senses, showcasing their world-renowned gastronomic skills.
The trio are working together to cook-up Savour, a culinary feast which will take place on Saturday, 4th March, at the Marcliffe Hotel & Spa.
The event is being hosted alongside North East Sensory Services (NESS), a charity which supports people of all ages from babies to grandparents, who were born deaf or blind, or for those who have lost their sight or hearing.
The chefs will each create a course for the gastronomic adventure, focusing on the senses of taste, smell and sight, which coincides with the charity’s work with people with sensory issues.
Ross Spence said:
“It’s fantastic to be able to work with Nick and Paul for this event and we will present a superb overall dinner which will thoroughly delight the guests. NESS is an important charity in Aberdeen and across the North-east, supporting more and more people with hearing or sight loss, and we are delighted to host this unique evening.”
Paul Whitecross added:
“The team at Trump International is always keen to support charities which are important to the North-east community and this is set to be a fantastic foodie event to tantalise the tastebuds of the diners who are lucky enough to secure a place at this exclusive event.”
Nick Nairn commented:
“Given our position with the business and our commitment to the North-east we wanted to be able to give something back to the community that supports us. NESS is an excellent charity and it’s a wonderful opportunity and a wee challenge to create a feast which excites the senses.”
NESS CEO Graham Findlay said:
“We are delighted that these prestigious chefs are taking the time to devise and present a unique menu for NESS. We are looking forward to an incredible evening, which will excite the senses.
“Nick, Ross and Paul are great supporters of NESS and the Marcliffe Hotel & Spa has been a very good friend to the charity for many years.”
As well as a four-course dinner focusing on the senses of taste, smell, and sight, the evening will include a champagne drinks reception, a VIP auction and raffle, followed by entertainment and dancing.
Savour will take place on Saturday, 4th March, 2017, at the Marcliffe Hotel & Spa. Tables are priced at £950, with individual tickets available at £95, and can be purchased from neil.skene@nesensoryservices.org or by calling 0345 271 2345.
Issued by Frasermedia Ltd on behalf of NESS.
- Comments enabled – see comments box below. Note, all comments will be moderated.
Not sure about this. Does making the event for charity excuse the fact that it is being held in the hotel where the owner was taken off the VisitScotland site for using the ‘poof’ word? And that another of the chefs works in Trumps hotel in the Menie estate? Is the public seriously expected to endorse this event?
“Three of Scotland’s finest chefs” – Nick Nairn, certainly, but given you had to state where the other two work I doubt their inclusion in the description, & I daresay the likes of Tom Kitchin, Martin Wishart & many more might agree. Have been a big fan of Aberdeen Voice since I discovered this site, but I think it has lost its edge since the superb Suzanne Kelly departed. Not much contentious content since she went, & far too many articles by local PR companies rather than independent-thinking authors.
Agree with Dorothy Bothwell’s comments above, & it’s odd to read about you endorsing, not to mention advertising, such an event given the site’s past content.
The nature and colour of our content is at the mercy of contributors Carolyn …. as it has always been. We aim to publish all that is contributed provided it does not breach our editorial criteria … as we always have. This does not equate to endorsement of content. We have from the outset endeavoured to be an impartial outlet … which has made us accessible to contributors such as Suzanne Kelly who might not find the freedom elsewhere to have their work published as close to it’s original form as possible – free from over editing/interference.
This remains the case, and we are always open to new writers/contributors. If we ever appear too much of one thing, it will almost certainly be because there is not enough of another. It’s a bit like what they say about voting … “if you don’t vote, you cant complain about the result.”
However, that’s what these comments boxes are all about…. and I thank you for at least making the effort to contribute your views. All the best – Editor.