Jul 092010

by Alex Mitchell.

I first became aware of Carmina ā€“ I never learned her last name ā€“ when we were both students at the University of Aberdeen. She was a dark-haired, exotic beauty at the centre of a group of decadent, upper-class sophisticates who seldom bothered to turn up at lectures but would come lurching into tutorials, at which attendance was compulsory, still half-wrecked from the excesses of the previous night or weekend.Ā  Continue reading »

Jul 092010

By Caspar Lampkin.

In their green wisdom the Aberdeen University Students Association (AUSA) spent many a winter hour filling out applications to the Climate Challenge Fund to support a University wide environmental campaign. The campaign will focus on influencing the lifestyle choices made by the students and staff at the Uni in their everyday activities and on facilitating lifelong behavioural changes.

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