Nov 092012
By Bob Smith.
A stairted tae believe in miracles Fin a heard BBC2 wis tae play The brilliant film “You’ve been Trumped” On TV screens aa ower theUK . Fae Lerwick doon tae Plymouth Ho Gweed fowk wid learn the facts Aboot fit wis gyaan on at Menie Aboot aa the undemocratic acts . Noo Trumpie he wint apoplectic Ca’in puir Anthony Baxter a fool An demandin that the BBC Fae screens the film they pull . The BBC billies said on yer bike Iss documentary is award winnin We’ve nae intention ma chiel O iss film tae be binnin . Efter the screenin on the box The shit it fair hit the fan Wi fowk aa noo demandin The Donald he leave oor lan |
Excuses fae oor First Meenister Sayin the film wis only ae view Aye, een a doot ma mannie Fit wis mair factual an true . True tae form the “Trump Gazette” Plus it’s sister the “Evening Distress” Did throwe their TV review columns Try ti help Trumpie oot the mess . Bit we aa kent fitwisfit The film it fair blew a hole Throwe aa the Trump propaganda In local papers we’ve hid tae thole . Wull Trump cairry oot his threat Tae sue ilka bugger he disna like? Awa an bile yer heid min An yer lackies can tak a hike . . . . Bob Smith “The Poetry Mannie” 2012 |
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