Apr 262013
By Bob Smith.
A celebration o Earth Day Wis jist held iss wikk Tae try an save oor planet Fit is a wee bit sick . Pollution an lan destruction Is jist twa things we fear Noo sum fowk are interested Ithers think it aa sma beer . We’ve aa bin telt tae think Progress ’tis man’s desire Bit fit if progress isna gweed An thingies git richt dire . The earth is far we aa live The sustainer o aa life forms Bit mair an mair we hear o Massive floods an affa storms . Since the industrial revolution Things hiv geen doonhill The stairt o a great migration Fae the country tae woollen mill . Toons sprung up aa ower the place Industrialisation it wis the king Spewin oot fae big lums Pollution it wid bring |
“Progress wis eence aaricht It’s jist geen on ower lang” Ogden Nash wrote the wirds The mannie wisna wrang . Foo tae help oor planet Fowk are aye askin iss The answer is fair simple The solution hard tae miss . First stop aa the pollution Fae cars, planes an trucks Nae usin up Earth’s resources So’s fowk can mak faist bucks . Nae shite on the pavements Nae litter near the roads Nae buggerin up the habitats O wild flooers an the toads . Pit a stop tae intensive fairmin Usin neo-nicotinoids an pesticides So the bees an ither insects Still flee aboot oor countrysides . So tae celebrate beyond Earth Day The human race his far tae ging Tae save the flora an animals An ither thingies fit nature brings |
© Bob Smith “The Poetry Mannie”2013
Images by Richard Duthie