Every Christmas for the last seven years Suzanne Kelly aka Old Susannah has written a topical satire based on events whether in Aberdeen or the larger world, based on a traditional Christmas story, panto or fairytale.
This year’s offering is a bit different; it’s a video – deliberately low tech.
The idea came to me while watching the late, great David Bowie introduce The Snowman on YouTube, and I wondered what he’d make of the mess we’re being led into, and that things were better for everyone back then.
Lyrics are printed below should you all want to sing along. Enjoy.
1. We’re walking in the air…
we’re floating in the moonlit sky…
The people far below are sleeping as we fly…
2. You’re poisoning the air
And polluting all our minds with lies
And money seems to be the only reason why
3. All across the world
the villages go up in flames…
You’ve exploited all the rivers
The forests and the streams…
Children gaze, open-mouthed
Confused and horrified
To see their parents led away
By a force known as ICE
4. Nobody wants to die
they only want to go to school
But guns are everywhere
Cos of the NRA and you
Children gaze, open-mouthed
Confused and Terrified
All because some think it best
To close their eyes
5. My parents vote for you
Just the way their parents did before
But I will never vote
For fear and hate and war
Here’s to a brighter, saner, happier, freer, cleaner 2019.
– Old Susannah.