Jan 212016

Cannabis OilWith thanks to Suzanne Kelly.

Scottish Cannabis Oil Assistance Programme is a new entity that will help people with medical conditions purchase CBD oil. CBD oil is now legal in the United Kingdom, and worldwide evidence is mounting that oil may be beneficial to sufferers of conditions such as ME, Fibromyalgia and Epilepsy.

The founders are keen to stress they make no promises to alleviate or disease. They merely want to help people who want to use CBD oil but who cannot afford it.

It is up to anyone with an illness to make the decision to use any oil themselves and/or with their medical practitioner. The THC in cannabis, which results in the ‘high’, is removed from CBD oil products.

Details of the scheme can be found here: http://scoap.yolasite.com/

Donors are sought; regular donations or one-offs are welcome. Those who already know they benefit from CBD oil are able to register, and those who want further information will find some answers on the website as well.

The scheme was started after one of the founders, Suzanne Kelly, found that some of her acquaintances were unable to afford CBD oil, but that oil had a very positive impact on these people’s health. Initially helping a few people, it is hoped that more donors will come forward.

Kelly said:

“Research and anecdotal evidence certainly seems to indicate that people with severe medical conditions or with severe nausea (whether from illnesses such as CVS or from medical treatment) are benefiting from cannabis oil use. Quality oil is however very expensive to produce and sell, or import, and is out of reach of some people. 
“I hope that we will recruit more sponsors to help people. One person I know with a debilitating disease tells me oil use decreases their pain and increases their mobility. There are three founders; none of us will take any payment, expense reimbursement of any kind – 100% of donations will be going on purchasing and delivering cannabis oil to those who need it.”

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  10 Responses to “Medical Cannabis Oil Assistance Scheme Launches”

  1. This is CBD oil only, and not cannabis oil. CBD is only one of the cannabinoids found in Cannabis, but you are certainly misleading people by telling them that “Cannabis oil is now legal in the United Kingdom”. That is not something that you should be doing. Many illnesses need both THC and CBD to be effective and you should not be advertising in this way.

    This is the same tactics that oil scammers use by suggesting that they are supplying cannabis oil when they are not.

    • From Suzanne Kelly: I see what you’re saying – but as far as implying there are misleading tactics about the THC not being in the oil – did you get as far as the third paragraph: “It is up to anyone with an illness to make the decision to use cannabis oil themselves and/or with their medical practitioner. The THC in cannabis, which results in the ‘high’, is removed from medical cannabis oil products.” -(I could change it to read “‘these’ cannabis oil products” instead of “medical cannabis oil products” – but that’s rather splitting hairs as the THC issue has been spelled out. Additionally, the UK’s media have used the phrase ‘cannabis oil’ in a huge amount of articles heralding the legalistion of the oil – https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=cannabis+oil+legal+in+uk – if this article, spelling out as it does that THC is not in the oil is misleading for reporting that ‘cannabis oil is now legal in the UK’ – then you have a few dozen other newspapers you should write to as well. It may not contain THC, but it is still oil made from cannabis, which to all intents and purposes is cannabis oil (I’m reminded of a horticultural class lesson – all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti – in case that helps). All that’s going on here is that three people are trying to raise funds, 100% of which are going on cannabis oil / cbd oil if you prefer for people who can’t afford it, but who know that they benefit from using oil. (In fact, a good deal of the costs have come from my own pocket so far; but demand is growing more than I can afford on my own). There are people out there who are greatly benefitting from what we’re doing, and we’re going to continue. But thanks for your comment. So if you’re saying cannabis oil isn’t really cannabis oil if it doesn’t have THC in it, we’ll agree to disagree; CBD oil is a type of cannabis oil.

  2. Hy cbo

  3. Where can I get this cannabis oil please in pain

  4. Hello, happy to say yhat in the UK your GP CAN now prescribe CBD oil; whether or not they will seems hit and miss. Make an appointment to discuss with them and in your case tell them it definitely helps you. All the best

  5. HI I am Interested in some oil. I have Myloma and haven’t achieved remission. Its an aggressive form thats hard to treat as i have two other mutations. Im 45 tomorrow and would like to do anything to remain around for my little girl. As it stands im looking at 18 to 24 months so am ready to crack on with anything!! Many thanks Sharon

    • Hello- cbd oil frustratingly is still expensive and hard to get on prescription. You can buy cbd oil online and Holland and Barratt sell it too. Hope this helps.

  6. Not one prescription has been issued to adults with epilepsy since being sanctioned.

    • Suzanne says – it’s appalling – an approved medicine, one that could be affordably produced, is being withheld. at SCOAP we are getting scores of letters from people who have used cannabis and cbd medicines, who are benefitting from them – but for whom the NHS refuses to write prescriptions. SCOAP will continue to lobby.

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