Jul 092010

By Simon Gall.

Trump vs. Forbes – An exhibition by David McCue

David McCue, a Glasgow based Artist, unveiled some of his latest artwork this week at the Mill of Menie Farm, situated in the heart of the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire. His work examines and explores “the ongoing psychological battle between American billionaire Donald Trump

and Michael Forbes, the farmer.”(1) The one day exhibition consisted of a series of oil paintings, an interactive sculpture and a wall of letters from all over the world. The event was organised by the artist – with support from the group “Tripping up Trump” – to raise awareness about the “issues and emotions surrounding the anticipated compulsory purchase of farm buildings and land for the Trump Organisation’s extensive $1.5 billion luxury golf development in the wild and breathtakingly beautiful coastal landscape of Menie, Aberdeenshire.”(1)

Aberdeen Voice is grateful to the artist for permission to share these works with those who were unable to attend the exhibition.

(1) www.davidmccue.co.uk


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